US State Department Funding Terrorist Propaganda in the United States

It would be nice to be able to go one full month without saying this but this one be that month. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK. I guess we can call this one the State Department’s “No terrorist left behind” program. Condi’s crazies have teamed up with the department of Education to give the Palestinian American Research Center (PARC), a registered nonprofit, Title VIMoneys for what they call “Palestinian Studies”

What do PARC use YOUR money for ? Well here is one example a grant recipient named Lori Allen (now a lecturer at University of Cambridge in the U.K.) wrote a lengthy treatise in support of suicide bombing. Read more about this government funded program below:

PARC’s Anti-Israel Polemics
U.S. Taxpayers Fund Grants for “Palestinian Studies” by Jonathan Schanzer
National Review Online
July 11, 2008 For more than a decade, the allocation of hundreds of thousands of dollars in U.S. funded doctoral and post-doctoral grants on Palestinian issues has been decided by a group of Middle Eastern-studies professors that includes some of the most polarizing and radical figures in the field.

[Ed: The text of “PARC’s Anti-Israel Polemics” follows]
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