Participation Options

The Middle East Forum is a publicly supported, nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. (In addition, MEF staff members are available on contract to do political and economic analyses.) The Forum has several levels of membership and invites your participation:

Member ($75 annually):

  • Subscriptions to the Middle East Quarterly, and all of the Forum's nonduplicating e-mail lists
  • Invitations to the Forum's in-person programs and activities around the country

Sponsor ($250 annually): All of the preceding, plus:

  • Complimentary attendance at one donor lunch
  • A signed copy of one of the following books:
    • Woke Army: The Red-Green Alliance that is Destroying America's Freedom by Asra Q. Nomani, or
    • Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Islam by Raymond Ibrahim, or
    • The Secret Apparatus: The Muslim Brotherhood's Industry of Death by Cynthia Farahat, or
    • Days of the Fall: A Reporter's Journey in the Syria and Iraq Wars by Jonathan Spyer, or
    • Iran's Strategic Penetration of Latin America by Joseph Humire

Friend ($500 annually) All of the preceding, plus:

  • Invitations to conference calls and online webinars with Mideast experts
  • Complimentary attendance for two at one donor lunch

Benefactor ($1,500 annually) All of the preceding, plus:

  • Private, semiannual phone calls and briefings with MEF's President and Director

Founder ($5,000 annually) All of the preceding, plus:

  • Your name on an MEF lecture series or sponsorship of a Writing Fellow
  • Discounts on MEF travel

Principal ($10,000 annually) All of the preceding, plus:

  • Personal appearance by Daniel Pipes at a gathering you host (with assistance from MEF staff in organizing the event)

For further information, please call Stacey Roman at (215) 546-5406, ext.113. or