The Italian parents’ association MOIGE said Monday it was “unacceptable” that a white British Christian five-year-old girl had been put into foster care with a niqab-wearing Muslim family where she was allegedly forced to learn Arabic.
“Every child is entitled to live in the family that bore it but if conditions do not let the parents take care of it, it is the State’s duty to entrust it to a family with similar value characteristics, also on a religious level,” MOIGE said.
The deputy federal secretary of the anti-immigrant Northern League (LN), MEP Lorenzo Fontana, said the case, “if confirmed, risks being a dangerous precedent for a West that is losing the sense of its history and identity”. Rightwing Brothers of Italy (FdI) leader Giorgia Meloni said the case showed the “ideological fury of multiculturalism”.
The foster family reportedly took away the girl’s cross and banned her from eating pork.