
  • Rethinking Counter-Extremism

    In a new white paper from the Middle East Forum, “Rethinking Counter-Extremism,” we investigate the fallacies peddled by the global CVE industry and explain why they are so dangerous. The paper explains what government should be doing instead, beyond law enforcement’s counter-terrorism work, to counteract Islamist radicalization.

  • A Guide to American Islamism

    Over the past two decades, commentary and investigations by media, academia and political organizations on the subject of Islamism in the United States have focused disproportionately on jihadist networks. This focus has mostly left lawful Islamist movements free to flourish quietly, despite posing a grave, pernicious threat of their own. This publication is a guide to these those Islamist movements.

  • Islamic Relief: Charity, Extremism & Terror

    A new Middle East Forum report uncovers the extremism and terror connections of the largest Islamic charity in the western world: Islamic Relief. We look at its key branches, its links to dangerous Islamist movements, its connections to the terrorist group Hamas, its officials’ extremism and its promotion of extremist preachers who incite hatred against both moderate Muslims and non-Muslims.

  • American Islamism Flourishes Under Trump

    During a speech in Youngstown, Ohio, in August 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump said that defeating Islamism would require a battle against its underlying ideas. Three years later, there is still no Commission on Radical Islam, despite Trump’s promises. Nor has any other body been established to tackle the problem of domestic extremism. Is the government working to tackle Islamism quietly behind the scenes? Or has this administration failed to provide the clear and forceful response it promised?

  • Islamists with Terror Ties Lobby Congress

    For the past three years, Islamists with ties to terrorist operatives have been meeting with members of Congress. Every spring since 2015, the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), a coalition of national and local Islamist organizations, has hosted an annual lobbying event titled “Muslim Advocacy Day”. Over the course of several days, Islamists from across the United States visit congressional offices to lobby for their national and international agendas.

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