For those of you that are unaware of the universities and colleges in the United States and Canada that are unashamedly and overtly indoctrinating students to turn against their own country’s institutions, their parents, military, traditions and history by those same institutions own faculty and the non-reporting and indeed ad vocation of it by the cowardly media, read the following and heed these words carefully.
For the past 20-plus years the apologists, appeasers, and allies of the Islamo-fascists that have taken root on our own shores have gone unabated and with total disregard for their own nations’ safety, liberty and history of good and decency.
The media and the rest of the ignorant asked after the horrors of September 11, 2001, how and why did this happen?
It happened, certainly not because of what leftist propaganda merchants would have you believe. You know the old lines: because we’re in Iraq (or the Middle East in general) because we support Israel, because of American imperialism, or the old favourite, because of oil.
It happened because of one simple reason, because they hate us. Don’t give me that root cause crap either, that is the root cause. They do hate our freedoms, they do hate our liberty, they do hate tolerance of all religions.
After the cowardly attacks of 9/11 is when the real damage was done. That is when our youth were told and taught we were to blame for it. We were terrorists, aggressors and oppressors.
How did this happen? How did we go from having children, alongside their parents, flying American/Canadian flags and celebrating our troops on Veteran’s Day and proudly celebrating the freedom and history of America on Independence Day?
Aside from political correctness gone amuck, this is how: the teachings of Wahhabism and the lie of “America is evil”. But how and when did they start believing in such nonsense? Well, the genesis of it all started around 1958, that’s when the U.S. Department of Education instituted a program called Title VI of the National Defense Education Act. Title VI was the Language Development section of the NDEA.
It was meant to “ensure manpower of sufficient quality and quantity to meet the national defense needs of the United States.”
Along with a plethora of “language centers” such as the National Resource Center (NRC) Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships (FLASF) and the International Research and Studies (IRS) Title VI is used today by wahhabists and other enemies of freedom and tolerance to destroy our nations from within.
Remember, what befell the Roman and Greek empires- the first and longest-lasting republics in history? They were destroyed not by a foreign army (at least not at first) but from appeasers and traitors within.
This is now how both foreign haters of America that have managed to infiltrate its education system and allow American-born socialists, liberals and leftist supporters and general haters of their own country, under the protection of America’s own laws-particularly the constitution and political correctness (aka social paranoia) have been able to facilitate their traitorous and ignorant tendencies.
No one country has facilitated and moreover funded Islamist fundamentalist dogma more than Saudi Arabia, our so-called “allies”.
The House of Saud has spent approximately $70 billion (a literal drop in the petrol bucket) the world over to spread wahhabism to ensure anti-Americanism and anti-Israel hatred.
According to the Middle East Quarterly:
“There is plenty of evidence for the MSA’s (Muslim Student Association) strident advocacy of the Saudi-style Wahabbi interpretation of Islam.”
“Some Muslim-student organizations have functioned at times as Saudi--supported channels for the propagation of wahhabism abroad, especially in the United States...Particularly in the 1960s and 1970s, no criticism of Saudi Arabia would be tolerated at he annual conventions of the MSA. The organization has, in fact, consistently advocated theological and political positions derived from radical Islamist organizations, including the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaati Islam.”
The Wahhabi religious vision or brand of a strict puritanical faith that emphasizes literal interpretation of Quran and “Sunmah” (example) of the Prophet Mohamed and the absolute oneness of God...Anything the Wahhabis perceive as un-Islamic behavior constituted unbelief (kufur) in their eyes, which must be countered by jihad. This jihad or holy war was not simply permissible: to fight the unbelievers and re-establish a true Islamic state was required.
$20 million to set up a Middle eastern studies program by Saudi King Faud at the University of Arkansas; $5 million to UC Berkley by two Saudi shaikhs with ties to al Queda, $22.5 million to Harvard and $28.1 million to Georgetown, $11 million to Cornell, $5 million to MIT, $1.5 million to Texas A&M, $1 million to Princeton. Rutgers and Columbia each received a $5 million chair endowment. Columbia was apparently caufgt trying to conceal not only the monies received, but the source of it.
However, that’s not all the recipients of Saudi hate money. There’s still UC Santa Barbara, John Hopkins University, Rice University, Syracuse University, Howard University and others.
These endowments give traitor professors and so-called intellectuals the means under the protection of their version of free speech, as well as being protected by so-called civil rights organizations such as C.A.I.R. and the ACLU. They are then free to use dawah (persuasion and reason) to perpetuate their taqiyya (big lie) on their young, unsuspecting victims.
If all this wasn’t enough, Title VI not only pays the salaries of these professors and their Saudi allies of deception. it also supports Saudi “mercenaries” on these university and college campuses.
These mercenaries are actually student activists that are trained overseas in the summer to learn terrorist tactics, then return in the fall to institute their newly learned “skills”. Thus, more and more anti-American and anti-Israel doctrine is spread, and nothing is being done about it. People think that it can’t happen here, Well, I assure you it is and has been for some time.
Because They Hate. Brigitte Gabriel. p.159-162, 176-177. St. Martins Press. New York. 2006.
Office of Post-Secondary Education, http:11165.224.220.253/about/offices/list/ope/iegps/title-six.html
Saudis Behaving Badly. National Review Online. Joel Mowbary. December 20, 2002. http://
Wahhabism:State-Sponsored Extremism Worldwide.
Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam. John Esposito. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK. 2003.
Jane Glickman, public affairs officer with U.S. Dept. of Education. Interview with Lee Kaplan. Front Page Magazine. September 4, 2003.
Harvard’s Inner Struggle: Accuracy in Academia. George Livadas. June 6, 2002.