Juan Cole Politicizes the Solar Eclipse; Declares Americans ‘Climate Criminals’

Juan Cole

Leave it to University of Michigan professor Juan Cole, who never met an anti-American---or anti-Israel---conspiracy theory he couldn’t support, to politicize the one event uniting the country right now, the solar eclipse. Cole (by way of a tweet from leftist physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson) uses the momentous occasion to ponder why “there are no eclipse denialists the way there are dedicated climate change denialists?” After blaming the usual bogeymen, ExxonMobil and Koch Industries, Cole then declares all Americans “climate criminals and saboteurs.” “You’re endangering your grandchildren,” he rants, before lecturing the country to follow his enlightened example and install solar panels, ride bikes to work, and eat “less beef.”

While he’s at it, Cole might try spewing less hot air.

Cinnamon Stillwell analyzes Middle East studies academia in West Coast colleges and universities for Campus Watch. A San Francisco Bay Area native and graduate of San Francisco State University, she is a columnist, blogger, and social media analyst. Ms. Stillwell, a former contributing political columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, has written on a wide variety of topics, including the political atmosphere in American higher education, and has appeared as a guest on television and talk radio.
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