Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from February 1-8, 2020:

Howler of the Month

“The secret of Palestinian resistance and ultimate triumph: they sing they dance they live they love and they pass the message from one to the next generation—over the last 100 years over the next century if necessary — long after the racist settler colonialist occupiers of their homeland have rotten [sic] in the dustbin of history.”

Hamid Dabashi, Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, commenting on a video of Palestinian girls performing the Dabka, a traditional Levantine dance; on his Facebook page, January 30, 2020.


Campus Watch Research

Federally-Funded Middle East Studies Centers Need Scrutiny (Winfield Myers in Academic Questions, the magazine of the National Association of Scholars):

Campus Watch Blog

Columbia’s Joseph Massad Uses Holocaust Inversion to Sully Holocaust Memorial Day (David Gerstman):

Campus Watch in the Media

A Columbia U. Middle East studies student objects to Title VI complaints against the University; smears MEF and CW in the process:

Middle East Studies in the News

A Jewish member of the Harvard Club is suing because she claims she was assaulted by Harvard finance prof Faris Mousa Saah when she attended a lecture at the venue by Columbia prof Rashid Khalidi:

Carleton U. prof Hassan Diab is suing the Canadian government over its role in his extradition to France for terror charges that were later dropped:

UNC’s Carl Ernst and Duke’s Mbaye Bashir Lo conduct new research into Omar Ibn Said, a nineteenth century black Muslim slave and scholar:

The San Francisco-based Arab Resource and Organizing Center has sponsored a petition to revive the anti-Israel California Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum:

GW University prof Arshad Ali speaks at Colgate U. (NY) about “the racialization of Muslims” (incl. Noor Khan):

U. of Nebraska at Omaha prof Ramazan Kılınç examines why “authoritarianism and underdevelopment are so pervasive in the Muslim world” (incl. San Diego State U’s Ahmet Kuru):

A Malaysian site examines why the Islamicity Indices rank Malaysia and other Muslims nation below non-Muslim countries (incl. U. of Houston’s Emran El-Badawi):

JNS on Duke U. resolving an antisemitism complaint surrounding a Middle East studies-sponsored conference:

Micha Danzig on the Palestinian Authority’s use of bogus maps (incl. U. of Michigan’s Juan Cole):

On concern over the state of Arabic and Middle Eastern studies at Franklin & Marshall College (PA):


On UC Riverside prof Reza Aslan’s nasty tweets on the news of Rush Limbaugh’s cancer diagnosis:

PJ Media:

Russia Today (RT):

Fox News:

The Spectator (USA):

The Daily Wire:

Cinnamon Stillwell analyzes Middle East studies academia in West Coast colleges and universities for Campus Watch. A San Francisco Bay Area native and graduate of San Francisco State University, she is a columnist, blogger, and social media analyst. Ms. Stillwell, a former contributing political columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, has written on a wide variety of topics, including the political atmosphere in American higher education, and has appeared as a guest on television and talk radio.
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