Rabab Abdulhadi |
Year after year, Middle East studies professors call for the elimination of Israel. When their critics expose the vicious, false nature of their demands, these politicized profs cry “censorship!” and “McCarthyism.” One might think their ability to say whatever they please without university, much less government, retaliation would embarrass them into dropping these shop-worn clichés. But, lacking imagination and determined to milk the cult of victimology for all it’s worth, they repeat themselves. Year after year. They did it again recently at UC Berkeley, as Michael Lumish, writing for Campus Watch at the Daily Caller, reports:
Are University of California academics who engage in anti-Israel activism subject to “silencing”? Such were the strident cries on October 27, when about one hundred students gathered on a cloudy morning outside of Sproul Hall at the University of California, Berkeley for the 3rd Annual International Day of Action for Palestine.
Organized by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Bears for Palestine, the rally featured Israel-bashing, BDS-promoting professors Hatem Bazian and Rabab Abdulhadi, who insisted over loudspeakers that they were being repressed by the UC system.