Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from May 1- May 11, 2020:

Howler of the Month

“This article posits a theorisation of decolonisation in relation to queer as it emerges from the settler-colonial context of Palestine, what I call decolonial queering. The first part provides a new reading of Zionist settler-colonialism, which I define as hetero-conquest. Its novelty lies in refocusing the question of colonialism in native grounded knowledge of queering, while showing the limitations of those existing studies whose frames emanate mainly from American and/or global north contexts of racism and homo-nationalism.”

Walaa Alqaisiya, Fellow of Gender, Conflict, and Sexuality in the Dept. of Gender Studies at the London School of Economics; “Palestine and the Will to Theorise Decolonial Queering"; Middle East Critique, Vol. 29, 2020, Special Issue on Queering the Middle East.


Campus Watch Research

American Academics Defend Iranian Regime Despite Dismal COVID-19 Response (David Gerstman):

Campus Watch Blog

American Academics Defend Iranian Regime Despite Dismal COVID-9 Response (highlights Gerstman’s article):

Middle East Studies in the News

Analysis of businessman Rami Makhlouf’s role in the Syrian economy (incl. Trinity U.'s David Lesch and Flynt Leverett):

Review of French book Qatar Papers (incl. Tariq Ramadan):

Review of Rashid Khalidi’s book, The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine:

Review of American University Prof Akbar Ahmed’s book, Journey into Europe; islam, Immigration, and Identity:

Rashid Khalidi reflects on Edward Said’s legacy and influence on academia and public discourse:

Review of Swarthmore College Prof Sa’ed Atshan’s book, Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique:

The Pluralism Project at Harvard University launches new and improved website (incl. Celene Ibrahim):

What cooperation between Syria’s Assad and Libya’s Haftar means for Turkey (incl. U. of Oklahoma’s Joshua Landis):

Hatem Bazian shares list of “Zionist Influencers” on Facebook:

Global anti-Semitism rises as pandemic spreads (incl. UC Berkeley’s Hatem Bazian):

On the concepts of jihad and ijtihad (incl. Duke U.'s Omid Safi):

Franklin and Marshall College’s SherAli Tareen writes book on the history of theological and political debates among Muslim scholars in modern South Asia (incl. Princeton U.'s Muhammad Qasim Zaman):

Princeton U.'s Seyed Hossein Mousavian says Germany designated Hezbollah a terror organization under pressure from Israel:

Scholars and activists sign letter in support of Muslim academic Tariq Ramadan, on trial for rape in France:

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Haddad’s Schmooze Fest with Palestinian Islamic Jihad Financier and Islamist Operative Sami al-Arian Shows His Inability to Discern Scholarship from Activism
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Not Even Jews Facing a Recent Organized Pogrom in Amsterdam Received His Complete Sympathy