Writings by Topic: WMDs

Press Releases
Title Publication Date
MEQ Features Postwar Gaza Proposal News from the Middle East ForumMarch 8, 2024
The 10 Most Widely Read Middle East Forum Articles of 2022 News from the Middle East ForumJanuary 19, 2023
New MEQ Features Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak News from the Middle East ForumSeptember 8, 2022
Articles by MEF Staff and Fellows
Title Publication Date
Biden's Betrayal of Israel Will Jump-Start Nuclear Proliferation Washington ExaminerJuly 19, 2024
Welcome to France's Brave New Nuclear World The New York SunApril 27, 2024
Washington's Iran Policy Requires a Paradigm Shift JNSFebruary 13, 2024
U.S.-Iran Deal Doesn't Mean Full Nuclear Pact Is Next – but It Shows Israel's Limits The Times of IsraelAugust 15, 2023
U.S. Ignores Iran's Active Nuclear Weapons Activities by Using 'Defective' Definition Fox NewsJuly 17, 2023
Is Tehran about to Test The Bomb? Fox NewsJuly 9, 2023
Tehran Slaps America's Face as Biden's 'Deal' Moves Forward Creative Destruction MediaJuly 4, 2023
Mullah Appeaser Robert Malley Has a Classified Doc Problem Fox NewsJuly 4, 2023
Was Raid on Iran Opposition Group Tied to Biden-Tehran 'Mini-Agreement'? Fox NewsJune 25, 2023
EU Intel Reports: Iran Sought WMD Tech in 2022 Iran InternationalJune 22, 2023
Trust the Ayatollahs? A Weaker and Shorter Iran Deal EMETJune 16, 2023
Taqiyya: Iran Actually Boasts about Deceiving the West in Nuclear Talks Gatestone InstituteJune 9, 2023
Biden Admin to Tehran: Please Take $17 Billion for New Deal Fox NewsJune 8, 2023
Israel Fears U.S. Laying Groundwork for New Iran Deal The Times of IsraelJune 2, 2023
What Is Going on at Iran's Fordow Nuclear Site? Fox NewsMay 30, 2023
What is Stopping Tehran from Crossing Nuke Threshold Fox NewsMay 26, 2023
Tehran Exports Genocidal Antisemitism to Afghanistan The Jerusalem PostApril 29, 2023
Tehran Engages in Nuclear Games The Jerusalem PostAugust 1, 2022
Did Turkey Use Chemical Weapons in Northern Iraq? The Jerusalem PostDecember 23, 2021
Deal or No Deal, Iran Can't Risk War The HillNovember 8, 2021
The Next Iran Deal Must Be a Real Treaty JNSApril 4, 2021
Why is Iran So Good at Nuclear Diplomacy? The Jerusalem PostFebruary 23, 2021
Turkey's Burgeoning Nuclear Ambitions Raise Concerns The Jerusalem PostNovember 29, 2019
Next for Turkey? Nuclear Weapons! The Gatestone InstituteSeptember 18, 2019
Understanding Iran's Centrifuge Diplomacy The Jerusalem PostSeptember 7, 2019
Tehran's Subtle and Effective Nuclear Bargaining Tactics: A Primer The Jerusalem PostJuly 8, 2019
Iran Gives Europe Sixty Days to Meet Nuclear Demands The Jerusalem PostMay 9, 2019
'False Flags': War of Words over 'Chemical Weapon Attack' in Idlib Jerusalem PostAugust 27, 2018
Articles in Middle East Quarterly
Title Publication Date
The Quiet War between Israel and Iran Middle East QuarterlyWinter 2023
When Israel Struck Syria's Reactor: What Really Happened Middle East QuarterlyFall 2022
When Israel Destroyed Syria's Nuclear Reactor: The Inside Story Middle East QuarterlySpring 2022
The End of the JCPOA Road? Middle East QuarterlySummer 2020
Syria's Chemical Arsenal: Obama's Failure, Trump's Mixed Success Middle East QuarterlySpring 2020
Syria's Chemical Arsenal: A U.S.-British Row over Assad's Weapons? Middle East QuarterlySpring 2020
Title Publication Date
Target Tehran: How Israel is using Sabotage, Cyberwarfare, Assassination–and Secret Diplomacy–to Stop a Nuclear Iran and Create a New Middle East Middle East QuarterlySpring 2024
Shadow Strike: Inside Israel's Secret Mission to Eliminate Syrian Nuclear Power Middle East QuarterlySummer 2020
MEF in the Media
Title Publication Date
Daniel Pipes: "The Time Is Now" for Israel to Strike Iranian Nuclear Infrastructure TVP WorldApril 15, 2024
Jim Hanson: Iran-Israel War Could Trigger the "End of the Islamic Republic" Fox NewsApril 14, 2024
MEF Analysts Address the "New Axis of Evil" JRA LoudspeakerMarch 5, 2024
Daniel Pipes: As Iran Approaches a Nuclear Breakout Global ReviewAugust 9, 2021
Title Publication Date
Mordechai Kedar: What Will Israel's Next War Look Like? Middle East Forum WebinarAugust 7, 2023
Jason Brodsky: Did Washington Sufficiently Support Iran's Revolutionaries? Middle East Forum WebinarJune 30, 2023
Natan Sharansky: Israel Should Be "Much More Involved" in Ukraine War Effort Middle East Forum WebinarJune 19, 2023
Yuval Steinitz: How Israel Stopped Syria's Nukes Middle East Forum WebinarOctober 24, 2022
David Menashri: American Resolve Can Stop Iran's "March towards a Nuclear Weapon" Middle East Forum WebinarJuly 3, 2021
Elliott Abrams on Biden's Iran Policy: "So Far, So Good" Middle East Forum WebinarApril 19, 2021
Mark Dubowitz: Biden Must Let Maximum Pressure on Iran "Run Its Course" Middle East Forum WebinarFebruary 11, 2021
Tzvi Kahn on the Heist of Iran's Nuclear Archive Middle East Forum WebinarSeptember 6, 2020