XXL owner Mark Ames slammed for Muslim boycott

Community leaders have slammed XXL club owner Mark Ames today after he vowed to boycott British Muslims.

The London nightclub entrepreneur promised to snub Muslim-owned businesses in response to racial unrest in East London. He also tried to justify his decision by reference to the death toll of British troops in Afghanistan, which has risen above 300.

He wrote on Facebook: “From today I will be boycotting any shops, petrol stations restaurants or businesses I know are owned by Muslims this also includes holidays to muslim [sic] countries today see [sic] our death toll up to 300, so why the hell are we not just flying this scum back out to there beloved states and pull out and let them fight out there [sic] own issues!”

PinkPaper.com has repeatedly invited Ames to speak to us but he has refused saying he has already been “tried and convicted” and adding, in an email to us, “i [sic] dont [sic] want to see anyone race or creed [sic] being kicked out of the country.”

There is no suggestion that others involved in XXL club share his views but one representative did say they would be supporting his right to freedom of speech.

Now, leading members of London’s gay community have criticised his original comments.

Ali Hili of IraqiLGBT said: “I don’t think it’s acceptable from anyone, especially someone with a high profile. This is especially when the people he’s talking about could be deported to a country which, in turn, may cause them harm. I am in this country because I have fear for my life and I still face discrimination – even here.”

Royston Ford, secretary of gay group Imaan, agrees: “If he [Mark Ames] holds the views attributed to him, he has shown himself to be a rather unpleasant, but unrepresentative example of the LGBT community in London and further afield.

“Whilst racist and Islamophobic views like this do exist amongst a minority of LGBT people, he is not representative of the majority of fair-minded and decent people. If Mr Ames chooses – whilst most of are preparing to celebrate the diversity of our communities in Pride 2010 – to descend into his own gay shame, then that is his loss.

“He is as representative of LGBT people as the drug-peddling, murdering gangsters of Afghanistan are representative of ordinary Muslims – whether gay, straight, in this country or elsewhere. Imaan, and LGBT Muslims are preparing to celebrate Pride 2010 with our brothers and sisters of all communities, both in the parade and with events in London and in Bradford. We suggest Mr Ames is best ignored.”

Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell remarked how “it is absolutely wrong to stigmatise and penalise the whole Muslim population.”

“Not all Muslims are fundamentalists and anti-gay,” he added. “A blanket boycott would harm straight Muslims who are not homophobic. It would also harm gay Muslims who own businesses. Why should they be boycotted? It doesn’t make sense and is most unfair.

“I support protests against Muslims and people of other faiths who stir up homophobic hatred and discrimination. But generalising and targeting all Muslims based on the prejudices of some Muslims is as bad as straight bigots generalising and punishing all LGBT people based on the crimes of gay rapists or serial killers.”

And another club boss, Jeremy Joseph of London’s G-A-Y, has also joined the chorus of criticism, saying he was “gobsmacked” by Ames comments.

He said that while Ames may have been trying to honour British troops in Afghanistan, he has actually “insulted them and failed to understand what they are fighting and dying for”. The stated aim of the British Army is to bring peace and stability so desperately craved by the majority of Muslims in Afghanistan, who are also suffering at the hands of the insurgents.

And Joseph was worried that the comments would make gay Muslims feel unwelcome at XXL.

“Gay Muslims are a minority amongst a minority and we should be supporting them,” he said. I hope gay Muslims stand up against what he says because their voice isn’t heard enough in this country. I would say boycott XXL if you support gay Muslims.”

However, some PinkPaper.com readers have backed Ames. In response to our exclusive yesterday, one forum user wrote: “whats the big deal? [sic] and why does a phoney pc liberal, pink paper [sic] reader find it disturbing? the reader should be more disturbed by the evil persecution and hate murder on a par to genocide of lgbt people in islamic states.” [sic]

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