Abdullah Bozkurt

Milstein Writing Fellow

Abdullah Bozkurt is a Swedish-based investigative journalist and analyst who runs the Nordic Research and Monitoring Network. He also serves on the advisory board of The Investigative Journal and as chairman of the Stockholm Center for Freedom. Bozkurt is the author of the book Turkey Interrupted: Derailing Democracy (2015). He previously worked as a journalist in New York, Washington, Istanbul and Ankara. He tweets at @abdbozkurt.

Articles by this Author
Ömer Çiftçi Was Granted Syrian Citizenship and Listed in the Resolution Under the Name of Umar Mohammed Jaftash
Last Year Turkish Products Accounted for the Majority of Alerts Issued by the European Union’s Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed
Abdulkadir Şen—A Radical Who Has Evaded Terrorism Investigations in Turkey—Made Predictions About Global Jihad’s Evolving Tactics and Targets
Anas Hasan Khattab Was Designated a Terrorist by the U.S. for Ties to the Al-Nusra Front and Sanctioned by the U.N. for Links to Al-Qaeda
Turkish Firm Favori LLC’s Controversial Reign Over Mogadishu Airport Has Brought Forth Allegations of Corruption, Labor Abuse, and Political Favoritism
How a Human Smuggling Network Tied to Erdogan’s Party Escaped Justice in Turkey
Erdoğan Loyalist Feridun Sinirlioğlu Was Elected Secretary General of OSCE, a 57-member Regional Security Organization Spanning North America, Europe, and Central Asia

The Turkish Government Intends to Appoint Senior Officials Under the Guise of Advisors to Assist Syrian Authorities with Managing Various Government Portfolios
Erdogan Ally and Former TASC Deputy Chair Sentenced for Counterfeit Goods Trafficking Amid Allegations of Ties to Turkish Intelligence.
The Case Underscores the Enforcement of U.S. Sanctions Against Both Venezuela and Turkey, Whose Leaders Seek to Undermine Sanction Regimes
New Extradition Agreement Between Turkey and the UAE May Mean the Return of a Fugitive Mob Leader and Former-Ally-Turned-Adversary
Newly Revealed Communiqués Expose Covert Turkish Intelligence Operations on U.S. Soil, Targeting Critics of President Erdogan
A Report from the Turkish Intelligence Agency MIT Reveals That the Agency Was Aware of the ISIS Surveillance Team and Their Activities Before the Attack in Istanbul in January 2024
Abduction of Swedish-Iranian Dissident in Turkey Was a Covert Operation Jointly Arranged by Turkish and Iranian Intelligence
Turkish Authorities Face Criticism for Releasing a Radical Kurdish Cleric Linked to ISIS, Allowing Him to Resume Preaching and Recruiting for Jihadist Networks Across Turkey and Georgia
A Detained Suspect Who Smuggled ISIS Members into Europe Says a Terrorist Cell Linked to ISIS Has Connections in Sweden
The Ruling Issued Marks a Significant Setback for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and His Associates
The ISIS Fixer Has Established a Car Rental Business in Istanbul to Support the Organization’s Cross-Border Operations
Instead Accused Western Countries of Attempting to Tarnish Turkey’s Image as a Safe Country
September Attack in Port City of Izmir Was Part of a Turkish Influence Operation by Militant Neo-Nationalists