Video shows Fort Hood shooter’s controversial lecture on Islam

Fort Hood killer Nidal Hasan, in video footage exclusively obtained by Fox News, told colleagues at Walter Reed Medical Center in 2007 that Muslim soldiers should have the option of being released as conscientious objectors to reduce the prospect of “adverse events.”

Hasan, a Muslim and an army psychiatrist, went on two years later to kill 13 and injure 32 in a shooting barrage at the Fort Hood military base in Texas. He was sentenced to death by a military jury earlier this week.

“I think the Department of Defense should allow Muslim soldiers the option of being released as conscientious objectors to increase the morale of non-Muslim soldiers in the military as well as decrease adverse events,” Hasan says in the video during a power point presentation.

Bearing an FBI logo, and subtitles, Hasan’s presentation titled “The Koranic World View as it relates to Muslims in the US Military” was provided to the defense as part of the discovery process in the Fort Hood case.

John Galligan, who is handling civil legal matters for Hasan, provided two of four segments to Fox News “at the specific direction of Major Nidal Hasan.”

In the video, Hasan appears to be wrestling with his own issues, and whether Muslims can serve in the military as the U.S. engaged in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

“We always talk about God and country, but here we’re talking, we’re really talking about God versus country,” Hasan said.

“He sounds like he’s just trying to explain how other people might think, but as you listen and as it progresses you begin to hear...him,” Matthew Levitt, Director of the Stein Program on Counterterrorism and Intelligence at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy told Fox after reviewing the video.

“He seems to have already begun the process of radicalization.”

According to the Senate report “A Ticking Time Bomb,” which exhaustively investigated the Fort Hood massacre, Hasan’s 2007 Walter Reed presentation went through several drafts because it was not considered scholarly or scientific. One supervisor described the Army psychiatrist as quote “very lazy” and “a religious fanatic.”

During the presentation, Hasan also stated as fact that former soldiers are joining the ranks of terrorists.

“There’s a lot of soldiers, that once they actually leave the military, they’re actually joining or trying to join groups like the Taliban and al Qaeda and so you have to ask yourself..there’s something out there with these groups that’s really resonating,” he said.

“Hasan is basically waving red flags in this briefing,” Fox News Strategic Analyst and retired Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters told Fox after reviewing the tape.

“The Fort Hood tragedy did not have to happen. Major Hasan had a significant accomplice when he pulled out his weapons and started shooting down unarmed innocents -- and that accomplice was political correctness in our military.”

While it’s unknown what the entire video contains, in the segments released to Fox Hasan is also asked about the number of virgins in paradise, provoking nervous laughter from the audience.

“It’s there. There’s a lot of virgins. It’s heaven. You know, It’s heaven...that’s all I can say,” he replies.

The Washington Post’s Dana Priest broke the story of Hasan’s controversial power point presentation within days of the Fort Hood massacre, but video of the event, allowing Hasan to be heard in his own words, has not been publicly available.

Hasan was promoted from Captain to Major in 2009. After the massacre, nine of Hasan’s supervisors were reportedly reprimanded for leadership failures.

There was no immediate comment from the Walter Reed press office on changes they’ve made in light of the Hasan case.

A year after the Walter Reed presentation, in December 2008, Hasan wrote an email to the radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki who became the first American targeted for death by the CIA. As part of its four-year investigation, Fox News has shown the cleric used over 60 email accounts to connect with his followers.

“There are many soldiers in the U.S. armed forces that have converted to Islam while in the service. Some appear to have internal conflicts and have even killed or tried to kill other U.S. soldiers in the name of Islam,” Hasan wrote. "....can you make some general comments about Muslims in the U.S. military...”

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