Sweden: Government will spend $620,000 on protecting Jews

Earlier this year, Hollywood cancelled making a movie in Sweden about Jews, because they estimated that “Sweden [is] a VERY unsafe place for the Jewish community due to the large and increasingly hostile community of Muslims.” During the 2nd World War, Sweden was a safe haven for Jews. Now Jews have to flee Sweden because of Muslim immigrants’ hateful and violent anti-Semitism.

Finally, the Swedish government takes action. Not by limiting immigration of Islamic supremacists, but by spending a (ridiculously small) amount of money on the “protection of Jews":

From the Swedish government’s official homepage:

Four million kroner (620,000 USD) for security of Jewish minority

Press release, September 5th 2011
Department of Work

The Government will spend four million kroner in 2012 on increasing the security and decreasing the vulnerability of the Jewish minority. Research shows that even though tolerance is increasing in society, anti-Semitic views have not decreased to the same extent. The Jewish minority is the subject of anti-Semitic hate crimes and harassment. Even children are harassed in everyday life. Many Jews in Sweden are afraid of openly showing that they belong to the Jewish minority.

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