No charges in Quran burning in East Lansing

A county prosecutor said he will not press any charges against the man who burned a Quran and left it outside an East Lansing mosque.

“I have decided that there is no criminal offense that I can charge under Michigan law,” Ingham County Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings III said in a statement sent today.

Dunnings said that East Lansing police “conducted a thorough and professional investigation of this incident. They laid out all the facts for our office to consider, and did not advise for or against any particular course of action.”

Dunning also said he discussed the decision not to press charges with the director of the Islamic Center of Greater Lansing, whose members found the burned Quran outside their mosque on Sept. 11. The action led to an anti-Christian riot in India.

Reports of the Quran burning in Michigan circulated among Muslims through text messages in a small town in the Punjab province. The group of Muslims then attacked a church and set on fire its furniture, according to the Times of India.

The man who burned the Quran turned himself in last week to police.

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