Irish National Party calls for temporary ban on Muslims entering Ireland

Justin Barrett claims all Muslims “are potentially dangerous”

The president of the Irish National Party has called for a temporary ban on Muslims coming into Ireland.

Justin Barrett told Sean Moncrieff here on Newstalk there is “a need for a temporary ban” on Muslim people entering Ireland, as part of his organisation’s broader call for a completely new approach to immigration policy in this country.

Mr Barrett claims this is necessary due to a rise in Islamic fundamentalism in Ireland.

He also took the view that “all of them (Muslims) are potentially dangerous”.

Mr Barrett explained his belief that the Koran is in itself an incitement to radicalisation - saying “you will find support for drenching the world in bloodshed in the Koran”.

He rejected the idea that his views were fascist, saying the term can be “thrown at anybody who basically doesn’t agree with the liberal left consensus”.

Mr Barrett and Sean got into a debate over the definition of open boarders.

“Anybody can come from anywhere, anytime”, Mr Barrett said.

Sean interrupted: “You can come if you’re a citizen of the European Union, yes, but anybody else needs a visa to come here.”

Mr Barrett added: “No they don’t - they need the word ‘asylum’, they need to be able to pronounce the word ‘asylum’”.

“I would like to see the asylum seeker process being a proper asylum seeking process.

“It’s estimated by An Garda Síochána that 97% of asylum applications are transparently bogus as soon as the words are spoken”, Mr Barrett claimed.

He says while he is not in favour of Ireland leaving the EU, there needs to be a new approach.

“I wouldn’t say ‘no we just leave the European Union’ - but what we do need is to fundamentally renegotiate our relationship with them”.

“The National Party is a nationalist party. It does believe that this is our home, this is Ireland, this is the Irish people’s home.

“And as far as immigration is concerned it is for the Irish people to decide - just as it would be for you to decide who you invite into your home”.

Earlier this week, the party had a gathering planned - but claimed the Merrion Hotel in Dublin cancelled its booking.

It said that due to circumstances beyond its control, the event was “forcibly cancelled.”

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