While doing research for my new book, “Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance,” I discovered some startling information about the full extent of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the Department of Justice and its brazen pro-Muslim activities. And when I inquired for documentation related to these activities, the DOJ’s response to me indicated that the agency’s ties with Islamic supremacist groups in the U.S. are far more extensive than anyone has realized.
I was especially interested in DOJ actions extending certain civil-rights laws to Muslims in voting, particularly insofar as they involved the DOJ’s Lema Bashir. Essentially, they wanted to convert a religious class into a racial one, to create majority-Muslim legislative districts. Lema Bashir was at the center of Virginia’s failing to mail military ballots in time in 2008. The same mistakes were repeated in 2010, and United States military voters were heavily disenfranchised because of calculated inaction by Bashir and the DOJ throughout 2010. Disenfranchising the military vote is policy. You could make a case that bad mistakes were made in 2008, but when those same mistakes were made and made worse in 2010 by a devout Muslim who calls Israel “northern Palestine,” I submit that it is no accident, but deliberate policy.
There seemed to be no way they could withhold the documents whose existence I discovered, so on Feb. 28, 2011, I made a Freedom of Information Act request. I wrote to Nelson Hermilla, the chief of the FOIA branch of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division.
I asked him for “all communications between any employee of the Civil Rights Division and the Islamic Society of North America [ISNA], the Council on American-Islamic Relations [CAIR], the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee [ADC], the Muslim Students Association [MSA] or any affiliated student group. In particular, but not limited to, the request includes all communications related to appearances at or sponsorships of conventions or meetings of this organizations by the Department of Justice including conferences in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.”
ISNA and CAIR, of course, were named unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation jihad terror funding case. The MSA is a Muslim Brotherhood organization. They’re the last groups the DOJ should be working with.
I also asked Hermilla to provide “transcripts of speeches delivered by Civil Rights Division political appointees or section managers at any meeting of the Islamic Society of North America, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, the Muslim Students Association or any affiliated student group. If transcripts of such appearances do not exist, please provide a list of such appearances instead.” And for “resumes of all attorney and intern hires in the Civil Rights Division in which the resumes list prior employment at the Islamic Society of North America, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, or the Muslim Students Association.” In addition, I requested “all travel authorization forms, expense submissions and records of payment for any Department employee to attend any convention, conference or meeting with or at the Islamic Society of North America, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee,” and “any memorandum, document, email, telephone conference record or proposal discussing the use of civil rights laws in the Housing Section, Voting Section, and Education Section to use laws enforced by these sections to bring cases or potential cases on behalf of a protected class defined as Arab or Muslim or Islamic.” I asked him to “include any documents which discuss the applicability of civil rights laws to these classes from these three sections.”
Specifically, I asked for “records relating to the meeting of the ‘Monthly Outreach Meeting’ (or a regular occurring meeting organized by the Civil Rights Division with substantially the same purpose even if it is referred to with a different name inside the Department) with Muslim and Arab groups at the Civil Rights Division. Specifically, include lists of attendees at each monthly meeting, the agenda of each meeting and any minutes or summary prepared subsequent to each meeting. Please also specifically note the meetings at which the Attorney General of the United States attended.”
I asked for all such records dating back to 2006.
I knew these documents existed, indicating broad collaboration between the Justice Department and Muslim Brotherhood groups, and this was confirmed on April 29, 2011, when the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division finally responded to my request. Nelson Hermilla wrote me that “clearly your request encompasses thousands of records. The total located on a preliminary search totals 14,100 documents. Each document likely contains numerous pages.” Hermilla also complained that “it is not clear in what manner the collection of all five-year’s records might contribute to the general public understanding.” He explained that these documents would only be made available to me if I paid $1,400.
This is astounding. I made a fairly narrow request, narrowed down to specific groups and carefully defined activity that the Civil Rights Division doesn’t even have direct jurisdiction over – “Muslim Outreach” – and they come up with 14,100 matching documents. A knowledgeable Justice Department insider told me: “You couldn’t generate 14,000 pages of documents if you asked for communications with lenders or apartment or hotels as part of the Housing Section enforcement activities. There are very few things in Civil Rights that would generate 14,000 pages of anything. It has got to be a treasure trove of information.”
Indeed. It is also remarkable that the Justice Department would deny that these records would advance “the general public understanding.” Given the increasing number of cases in which Shariah is used in American courts and the Obama Justice Department’s assistance of stealth jihad, Islamic supremacist legal initiatives, this claim is extremely flimsy.
I intend to pursue this matter until the shameful records of this infiltration are made available to the American people.