“It is today the custom, one having the force of law and natural truth, to see the state as sovereign and hence the source of law, as the interpreter of the meaning of law through its courts, and as the enforcer of the law. The state thus replaces both God and the church.” Dr. R. J. Rushdoony, “Sovereignty” Pg. 181
Rod Blagojevich, (Mr. B) the now disgraced and indicted former governor of Illinois, is a talented politician whose close associates in Chicago thought he was on the way to becoming a candidate for the Presidency of the United States. Instead he is facing trial and a probable jail sentence while another talented Illinois politician, an associate, Barak Obama, is sitting in the Oval Office. President Obama has strenuously denied any close relationship with Mr. B but both worked in the same Chicago milieu with some of the same advisors.
Chicago politics has an interesting cast of newsworthy characters. Barak Obama, President of the United States, former Senator; Rahm Emanuel, former congressman, Obama Chief of Staff; Mr. B, former Governor; Richard M. Daly, current Mayor, son of former mayor, Richard J. Daly; Dr. Jeremiah Wright, pastor; Roland Burris, Senator (replaced Obama); Jesse Jackson, Jr. Congressman; and Bill Ayers, former revolutionary, now erudite, scholarly professor. With the exception of Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers these men have all been simultaneously active in Illinois politics. They knew each other and their paths crossed at various intervals. ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper writes, “According to Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., Mr. Obama’s incoming White House chief of staff, Emanuel, then-state senator Obama, a third Blagojevich aide, and Blagojevich’s campaign co-chair, David Wilhelm, were the top strategists of Blagojevich’s 2002 gubernatorial victory.”
Elizabeth Brackett in an interview about her book “Pay to Play” acknowledged Mr. B’s enormous political talent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HhNer1UY50 but seemed astonished at his cantankerous demeanor and almost insane, adversarial behavior. According to Brackett Mr. B distanced himself from his politically powerful father-in-law and mentor, Dick Mell, because he thought Mell was not sophisticated enough to be involved in his race for the presidency. Mell let slip to the press that Mr. B was “selling” political appointments in order to amass funds for his presidential run. This sparked an investigation, a criminal indictment, and a lengthy estrangement. At his indictment Mr. B found many enemies, few friends.
Political consultant David Axelrod is now one of Obama’s top advisors. A former political reporter for the Chicago Tribune, he worked with Obama on his successful Senatorial campaign as well as his run for the Presidency. He is a close friend to Rahm Emanuel. Both have deep Jewish roots. Emanuel is an aggressive Triathlon competitor, while Axelrod is noted for his ability to defuse tension with humor. Both have become wealthy in politics. Read about Emanuel’s wealth here.
Before the 2008 election there were rumors Obama might be indicted along with Mr. B. here and here. Obama’s association with Alexi Giannoulias, whose family owns the Broadway Bank, put him in a circle that included men like Michael “Jaw” Giorango, a Mafia character who is also close to the Giannoulias bankers. Obama’s friend since l990, Tony Rezko, born into a Catholic family in Syria, is a Chicago businessman and a friend and fundraiser for politicians. Rezko contributed money to Obama’s campaigns, was on his senate campaign finance committee, and in 2003 held a fund raiser for him at his lavish Wilmette mansion. Shortly after his election to the Senate Obama and Rezko’s wife, Rita, simultaneously purchased adjacent real estate. Rita sold Obama a parcel of her land so he could have a bigger lawn for his 1.65 million dollar mansion. Obama’s cost for the mansion was a third of a million dollars less than the asking price. Rezko was also a client of Broadway Bank.
Character is not a requirement for high political office. Deft, convincing public articulation capable of swaying opinion is far more important than the import of the message. Mr. B and Obama are both convincing speakers.
In 2008 Rezko was convicted on several counts of fraud and bribery. He had contributed over 1.5 million dollars to Mr. B’s coffers, much of it from illegal bribes and shakedowns. When Rezko was jailed, $3.5 million arrived from a source in Lebanon. The source was traced to Nadhmi Auchi, a former Iraqi now living in England, who was listed by Forbes as the 279th richest Billionaire.
Expedience makes friendship with politicians dangerous. Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a longtime spiritual mentor and friend of President Obama recently complained that “Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me.” Obama has distanced himself from Wright and Bill Ayers who were both friends in the past. Ayers and Obama had a mutual friend in former Arafat aide Rashid Khalidi . Like Ayers, Khalidi is an intellectual. He has insider credentials from Yale and Oxford and before departing the Chicago scene taught at Rockefeller rooted University of Chicago. Now at Columbia he is professor of Modern Arab Studies. When Khalidi left Chicago Ayers and Obama hosted a farewell party where me said his talks with the Khalidis had been “consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases. . . . It’s for that reason that I’m hoping that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation -- a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid’s dinner table,” but around “this entire world.” Additional information here.
Bill Ayersand his wife Bernadine Dohrn were recently subjects of a three hour in-depth interview on C-Span. Ayers is a professor in the College of Education at the Chicago branch of University of Illinois. Dohrn is an associate professor at the Northwestern University School of Law Ayers father, Thomas G. Ayers, was Chairman and CEO of Commonwealth Edison while Dohrn’s Jewish (Ohrnstein to Dohrn) father provided his family an upper middle class life in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin. Both are intellectually gifted and both have critical minds that tend to find truth in a sea of lies. Bill Ayers seems to have been a good husband. He has fathered two children of his own and raised another that belonged to a jailed Weather Underground friend.
That Ayers and Dohrn are free and now respected citizens speaks volumes about the popularity of Socialism at the power centers of our nation.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright is Senior minister of the Trinity United Church of Christ which describes itself this way: “We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain “true to our native land,” the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.”
Rev. Wright earned a Doctors Degree from the University of Chicago Divinity School and holds several other college degrees as well. He is a zealous Black partisan with an affinity for Blacks that is similar to the Zionist affinity for Jews. Pastor Wright has been thoroughly pilloried by the American media for condemning the Indian genocide, the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and numerous illegal wars. From the pulpit he announced that Blacks should not sing “God bless America”. " No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible, for killing innocent people, God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human, God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme”.
Ayers and his wife Bernadine live in Hyde Park, once an affluent White section of South Chicago, now mostly Black. Their Communist views have been moderated by rejecting Stalin and Lenin in favor of Marx. They have aligned themselves with Black issues and have been loyal to the anti-war movement that was the cusp of their 1960s vendetta. The lips of these members of the Obama social family are home to considerable truth. They are against illegal, immoral wars. They hate injustice. They have learned true history and rejected the revisionism that comes with patriotic propaganda. They know that the travesties Rev. Wright enumerated actually happened. If they were not so hopelessly na�ve and gullible American Christians could learn from these men and women. However, learning from their ability to see and express reality is the end of Christian agreement. They are atheistic Socialists of the Communist variety alienated from the Source of Ultimate Truth.
In “Sovereignty”, the book quoted in the preface, Dr. R. J. Rushdoony quotes a Russian writer named Igor Shafarevich, “Socialism is a consequence of atheism, the conclusion to which atheism leads in the field of social relations. The death of mankind is not only a conceivable result of the triumph of Socialism - it constitutes the god of socialism.” (Page 177)
Socialism is a man-made system of government and since man was not created to govern himself death is its ultimate result.
When the establishment selects a candidate for President they favor those whose background includes known scandal so that it might be used to coerce obedience. President Obama was selected for the Presidency while Mr. B was ruined - it could have been the other way around. Both had a sufficient number of skeletons in their closets. Nevertheless, Obama’s past associations and proclivities are of little worth in determining his performance as President of the United States. He will govern the United States as a puppet performing to the maneuvering of a puppeteer. Like a straw man he will do the bidding of those who are responsible for his election and when the show is over he will use his considerable verbal abilities to justify his actions.
Atheists can see a portion of reality clearly. William Ayers and Rev. Jeremiah Wright bring forth truth but their intention is to center power in the state. They want to create law, interpret law, and enforce law; though their plan has been tried several times before with consistent failure and hideous results, their quest for humanistic utopia is still vibrant. They clothe their pronouncements with impeccable reason and work assiduously to overcome resistance.
Though the history of Christianity might belie it, for the Christian Reconstructionist obedience is the highest objective. Through obedience to the Laws God gave to Moses we seek Godly dominion over the creation. Our objective is not the coercion of revolution, the manipulation of propaganda, or the sale of our opinions of righteousness but the willingness of the creation to fall at the feet of the creator with repentance and a genuine intent to obey His statutes.
When humanism begins its death march, pragmatism flourishes, torture is accepted, aggressive warfare is condoned, the murder of millions of babies and innocent civilians is overlooked, and all forms of sexual deviation become common. Logic, itself, begins to fail and power becomes paramount.
Anti-conspiracy nuts are unable to perceive the inconsistency of allowing President Obama to hide his past associations, conceal his birth and educational records and rise to the presidency with a divine aura. While the anti-conspiracy nuts were hallowing Obama the federal government was prosecuting Rod Blagojevich.
Elliot Ness got Al Capone but he did not eradicate Chicago’s vibrant criminal element. Gangsters have survived and there is evidence President Obama is beholden to them. Read here and here “
“Almighty God and Father, grant unto us, because we have to go through much strife on this earth, the strength of thy Holy Spirit, in order that we may courageously go through the fire, and through the water, and that we may put ourselves so under thy rule that we may go to meet death in full confidence of thy assistance and without fear.”
“Grant us also that we may bear all hatred and enmity of mankind, until we have gained the last victory, and that we may at last come to that blessed rest which thy only begotten Son has acquired for us through his blood. Amen” John Calvin