Code Pinker Ariel Gold, seen recently interrupting Ashton Kutcher at an event before being gracefully shut down by the actor, loves her stunts. Besides her infamous Western Wall shenanigans, and of course Kutcher-gate, she has gained notoriety for organizing a talk in Ithaca, NY by terror supporter Bassem Tamimi (also known as Shirley Temper‘s father) – with a third grade class!
Cornell law professor William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection has been all over this story, even successfully obtaining more information about the event pursuant to a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request. And he has discovered it was even worse than first thought, with a transcript of the event showing how these young students were incited to oppose Israel and encouraged to become “freedom fighters.”
Professor Jacobson has also discovered another hugely troubling fact: a parent had complained to the school that his child was suffering from nightmares as a result of the event!
After a review of the documents in camera, the Court ordered certain documents produced without redaction. Most significantly, ICSD was ordered to turn over to us, without redaction, a Letter of Reprimand from ICSD to school principal Eschbach. The Court ruled that such document was not covered by any of the FOIL exemptions from production.
That Letter of Reprimand revealed an additional, and very troubling, fact we did not previously know and was not previously disclosed.
Contrary to the rosy and positive view of the event presented by Gold and Eschbach, it turns out that a parent had complained to the school that his child was suffering from nightmares as a result of the Tamimi Event.
The Letter of Reprimand provided certain fact-finding by ICSD (emphasis added):
On September 22, 2015, you received an email communication from a parent of one of the students who had been exposed to the presentation. The parent therein, set forth evidence that the student was suffering from nightmares as a result of the presentation....
Further, though you were in possession of video links depicting, in part, some of the egregious actions of the presentation, you failed to open or review them in a timely manner....
.... Having reviewed the videos, you described yourself as “horrified” by their content. However, you characterized the issue as one not affecting the school.
This tells you all you need to know about the Israel haters – they will stop at nothing to demonize and ultimately dismantle and destroy the Jewish state. And just like Bassem Tamimi views his own children as resources to exploit in pursuit of this goal, this is how he and people like Ariel Gold view the children of others – like these grade 3 Ithaca students.
Professor Jacobson writes he also won a court order that the video (redacted to protect student privacy) be produced, which he expects to have in the coming weeks.