Campus Watch Responds:
In an uninformed, conspiracy-mongering article worthy of Lyndon LaRouche, Michael Barker stretches credulity as he links a now-defunct non-profit I co-founded in 2003 to my work as director of Campus Watch. In doing so, he utterly misrepresents CW and its founder, Daniel Pipes:
The co-founder of this propaganda project is the infamous Winfield Myers, who presently acts as the director of Campus Watch -- a “blacklisting organization” created by pro-Israel propagandist Daniel Pipes “that targets [US-based] scholars with views perceived as not sufficiently sympathetic towards Israel [emphasis added].”
Nor is Campus Watch founder Daniel Pipes, who also founded the Middle East Forum of which CW is a project, a “pro-Israel propagandist.” It is in the nature of conspiracy mongers to label those with whom they disagree “propagandists,” as labeling is easier than debate. Pipes is a well-respected and heavily published scholar of the Middle East who has never hesitated to criticize Israel or American policies toward the region.
(Published by Winfield Myers)