“Intifada High” Struggles for Acceptance

Response to:

"Intifada High" Struggles for Acceptance
The National (Abu Dhabi)
June 15, 2009
False allegations of attacking professors who criticize Israel
False allegations of attacking critics of America's policy in the Middle East

Campus Watch Responds:

In an article on the Khalil Gibran International Academy, Sharmila Devi makes the following incorrect assertion:

But two years ago when planning was under way, the school was targeted by a small but vocal group of protesters led by Daniel Pipes, who heads the Middle East Forum, a conservative research group that also runs Campus Watch, which has targeted professors around the country for their supposed anti-Israel and pro-Islam bias.

The Middle East Forum defends America’s interests in the Middle East. The positions it takes are not easily categorized by political leanings, as it has praised and criticized actions by both political parties.

Moreover, Campus Watch does not “target professors” for being “anti-Israel and pro-Islam.” CW critiques professors based on the objectivity and rigor of their research and teaching. Under no circumstances does CW critique anyone for being “pro-Islam.” Indeed, many of CW’s allies are themselves Muslims and, one therefore presumes, “pro-Islam.” Rather, CW critiques without regard to one’s religion.

(Posted by Winfield Myers)