NEW: MEF Sentry Radio and Podcast Launched

If you appreciate the Middle East Forum’s careful reporting and cutting-edge analysis, MEF Sentry Radio is for you. This new show offers an opportunity to get the full story straight from the experts.

The show runs live on Wednesday mornings at 10AM ET on Philadelphia’s WWDB 860 AM Radio. The podcast is also available online the following day here. The show is commercial free.

The Forum’s Director Gregg Roman hosts the show, asking the questions on your mind. Each week, he talks to two to four experts about Middle Eastern and Islamic developments.

Listen as they discuss the issues that really matter. Learn as MEF fosters dialogue and spotlights innovative voices.

If you miss the original broadcast, listen on your smartphone as you commute, while you exercise, or when relaxing after work.

To subscribe to MEF Sentry Radio and get the latest weeks’ episodes as they happen, click here.

Don’t want to wait for next week’s episode? Catch up with our archive of MEF podcasts, the first eight episodes are listed below, with details about guests and topics.

Ep. Date Title Topics Guests
1 1 Aug Global Security Perspectives Islamism
Daniel Pipes
Abraham Sofaer
Jonathan Spyer
Jim Hanson
2 8 Aug The Islamist Threat at Home Tommy Robinson
Muslim Brotherhood
Lawful Islamism
Paul Gosar
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser
Sam Westrop
3 15 Aug UNRWA, Campus Bias, and Russia UNRWA
Campus Bias
E.J. Kimball
Winfield Myers
Ilan Berman
4 22 Aug Politicizing Islam Islam in Congress
Political Campaigns
Palestinian Rejectionism
Clifford Smith
Oren Litwin
Oded Forer
5 29 Aug Radical Islamists Below American Radar Terrorist Border Aliens Islamist Cults in the USA Todd Bensman
Ryan Mauro
6 5 Sep Global Spread of Mideast Terror Groups Muslim Brothers: Egypt Film: “Path of Blood” Cynthia Farahat
Thomas Small
7 12 Sep The Stealth Jihad of “Islamophobia” Women’s Rights
Honor Violence
Abha Shankar
Raheel Raza
8 19 Sep A New Paradigm for Middle East Peace Defunding UNWRA
Palestinian Accountability
James Lindsey
E.J. Kimball
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