January 24, 2025 | 1:00PM Eastern Time

Israel’s Urban Warfare in Gaza: A Technical Analysis with John Spencer

Friday, January 24, 2025

1:00PM Eastern Time

John Spencer, a leading expert on urban warfare, has made four trips to observe the Israel Defense Forces in Gaza since Oct. 7, 2023, during which he has studied both its efficacy and its morality. Putting the IDF’s conduct in a larger perspective, he asks fundamental questions: How has it fared compared to other Western armies? What are the special circumstances in Gaza? From an ethical point of view, how does the IDF rank?

John Spencer has advised senior U.S. Army leaders, including four-star generals. A former infantry soldier and commander, Spencer served in the US Army for 25 years, during which he undertook two combat deployments to Iraq. He is the chair of Urban Warfare Studies at West Point. He has published three books, most recently, Understanding Urban Warfare, (Howgate Publishing, 2022), and many articles. Since October 7, he has written and spoken extensively on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. He holds a B.A. from Arizona State University and an M.A. from Georgetown University.

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