Zeman: It is ‘practically impossible’ for Muslims to integrate

President reaffirms his anti-Islamic stance in a new interview from Lány

Czech President Miloš Zeman said that it was “practically impossible” for Muslims to integrate into Europe, and went on to blame the New Year’s Eve attacks against women in Cologne and other German cities on “Muslim culture.”

Zeman quoted two passages of the Quran, the first says a man can beat a woman, and the second said a woman’s testimony only counts half as much as a man’s in court.

“That is Islam. It follows that those refugees mainly from the Islamic religion treated German women like they were accustomed to in their home countries,” he said in an interview from the presidential chateau in Lány that was broadcast over the Internet by tabloid Blesk.

Zeman called for not only destroying the Islamic State, but for killing its leaders. “They are the ones who dictate these huge terrorist actions,” he said.

He also said Western European countries’ experience with ghettos and socially excluded districts “shows that the integration of the Muslim community is practically impossible.”

His solution was to not allow refugees into Europe.

“Let them have their own culture in their own countries and don’t let them bring it to Europe, otherwise it will end up like Cologne,” he said.

He did say that integration is possible with other cultures, giving the Vietnamese and Ukrainians as examples.

This is not the first time that Zeman has expressed these ideas. On a Jan. 4 radio show on Czech Radio Plus (ČRo Plus), he blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for organizing the mass migration of refugees to Europe so they can gain control of the Continent through gradual migration.

During his annual address to the nation, he questioned why so many young single men were coming to Europe, rather than staying to fight the Islamic state in their home countries.

At that time he compared himself to Cassandra, a Greek semi-mythological figure who warned against accepting the Trojan horse.

On Nov. 17, a Czech national holiday commemorating the Velvet Revolution, he attended a right-wing rally organized by an anti-Islamic group.

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