Research: Dutch Salafi Muslims are no jihadis

Traditionalist Salafi Muslims in the Netherlands disapprove of violence and reject it as a means of spreading their belief, according to research published by the University of Amsterdam.

Researchers at the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies found that Salafis constitute “an average orthodox movement”. Although their world view, according to the academics, is “rigid and one-sided” they are not aspiring to fight Dutch society.

They are in fact trying to find a place within society, which, hampered by the orthodox nature of their beliefs, is difficult to combine with a job or higher education.


Salafis are Sunnis who follow the example of the first three generations of Muslims. They hold the view that Islam became corrupted by changes made after the third generation. They tend to shun politics and many Salafi scholars have spoken out against jihad.

Salafi associations and mosques in the Netherlands often very actively spread their teachings. They organise plenty of lectures and courses, usually in the Dutch language, which attracts young people. Dutch Salafi include young people of Moroccan origin, as well as Somalis and Muslims of Dutch extraction.

Extremist young Muslims, whose expressed aim is jihad, are operating outside of the Dutch Salafi organisations.


The Amsterdam University researchers say it is hard to say how many Salafis there are in the Netherlands, as the orthodox Muslims often refuse to participate in polls. The academics did manage to estimate the total number of orthodox Muslims including other groups besides the Salafi at 40,000 to 65,000. That is some 5 percent of all Dutch Muslims. The entire group is decribed as “receptive to Salafism”.

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