Norway’s Prime Minister has said she would not hire someone wearing a niqab as migrants should integrate into western societies.
Speaking ahead of an integration conference on Tuesday, Erna Solberg declared foreigners coming to the Scandinavian country need integrate to its culture and customs.
When asked if she would hire someone wearing a niqab, Mrs Solberg said: “No. [They] would probably not get a job from me or many others if [they] were wearing a niqab.
“We believe we should see each other’s faces in the workplace.”
The PM said the government had no plans to ban anyone from practicing their religion at work, but that it was important for Norway to set clear boundaries.
Mrs Solberg added: “Niqab and burka is a very small problem in Norway, but there are some who wear it.
“I experience it as a political statement from those who wear it, [who] wish to challenge the boundaries in Norwegian society. And so we must enforce some limits.
“You can do what you want on your time off, but in the workplace it is a given we want to see each other’s faces.”
During the conference on Tuesday, both the PM and Immigration Minister Sylvi Listhaug underlined that migrants are expected to adjust into Norwegian way of life.
Just hours before the meeting, the Immigration Minister posted on social media that newcomers to the country would not dictate terms, saying that in Norway “we drink and eat pork”.
Ms Listhaug said: “I believe those who come to Norway must integrate into our society.
“Here we eat pork, drink alcohol and show our face. One must abide by the values, laws and regulations we have in Norway when one comes here.”
Speaking to Dagbladet, the Immigration Minister also said that employers would be less likely to hire someone covering their faces.
Ms Listhaug said: “It is doubtful that employers would hire people they can’t see. You can’t work in a store with a covered face. I doubt customers would find it appealing.”