What the doctor did, to borrow a line from an old SCTV sketch, was to blow up real good.
So beautifully dressed and at first so very smiley, Dr. Mohammad Anwar Yaqubi demonstrated early in prosecutor Gerard Laarhuis’s cross-examination that he is indeed the half-brother of accused killer Mohammad Shafia and that it isn’t just the blood of a mother they share.
Mr. Shafia, his wife Tooba Mohammad Yahya and their eldest son Hamed are each pleading not guilty to four counts of first-degree murder in the June 30, 2009 drowning deaths of almost half their family, three teenage daughters and Mr. Shafia’s other wife.
Mr. Laarhuis was asking Dr. Yaqubi about the Kingston Police intercepts, wherein his brother notoriously cursed his dead daughters as filth, and to which Dr. Yaqubi had listened.
“Overall, if you listen, 60% there is no voice,” he said, his own rising and picking up speed in that way, so familiar now to Ontario Superior Court Judge Robert Maranger and the jurors, which usually signals that a lecture from an Afghan is a-coming.
“And those wordings and passages there which can exonerate my brother, he never said he did those things,” Dr. Yaqubi shouted. “Dear Shafie should have not been here [an accused in the prisoner’s box].”
“So look, those people who listen and analyze them [the wiretaps] and choose to put them [Mr. Shafia et al.] in custody, they should be released, those people who did the investigations should be released from their jobs!”
A few minutes later, Dr. Yaqubi was at it again.
He already had testified that he wasn’t shocked by his brother’s vile descriptions of his dead girls because at the time, mere weeks after their deaths, Mr. Shafia had been “grieving and in shock. People who know this medical condition, this is a shock period.”
He was cautioned that though he is a doctor — a specialist in geriatric medicine in the Netherlands, where he immigrated in 1996 and where he is now a citizen — he wasn’t to attempt to give expert evidence.
“I’m sorry I stepped outside the limit,” he said, then immediately did it again. “This is a shock process,” he said. “These things happen where there is a stimulation or excitation.” By this he appeared to mean that if his brother had just learned his dead daughters had had boyfriends, he might have been driven to howl intemperate curses.
Then, he added, “In Afghan community we have a saying, to put salt in someone’s injuries.”
At this trial, this is a habit of Afghan witnesses: They dole out like precious jewels the most trite expressions, surely known round the world, as if they were invented in Kabul and used only in Afghanistan.
So, Mr. Laarhuis had been going over all that with him and asked, “You’re certainly not saying Afghan men would be calling girls such bad names?”
“I can’t say that,” Dr. Yaqubi said. “In Afghan culture, in order to train your family, fathers use bad words — those people [children] must know their limits.
“This,” he offered with tangible self-satisfaction, “is a time you realize the differences between cultures.”
Another such time arose when Mr. Laarhuis asked him about his claim that Mr. Shafia had treated both wives, Ms. Yahya and the late Rona Amir Mohammad, equally. As evidence of their uneven treatment, the prosecutor mentioned that Ms. Yahya had immigrated to Canada, when the family moved to Montreal in 2007, as the only wife, while Ms. Amir came in on a visitor’s visa, essentially as a domestic servant.
“There was no alternative for that,” the good doctor snapped.
“He [Mr Shafia] had to, he had to bring her in this way. In Canada, the multicultural would have … I can’t claim there is a defect in the law, but this was what Dear Shafie wanted. Why he wasn’t able to bring all his family here, I can’t say.”
In his examination-in-chief, Dr. Yaqubi had testified, as evidence of his brother’s foul mouth and idle threats, that once, when Mr. Shafia discovered the hubcaps on his new Mercedes had been stolen, he’d said, “If I will find the person who did this, I will cut that person by cleaver, piece by piece.” Never would he do it, of course, Dr. Yaqubi said, laughing.
Mr. Laarhuis was revisiting the subject when the doctor exploded again.
“This is swearing, with a cleaver, piece by piece. The butchers in Kabul, making kebobs, they cook. Dear Shafie, at six years old he was working with a person making kebobs. At that time, whenever that person [the kebob boss], if you don’t do your job properly, he would say that.
“I think this was recorded in his [Mr. Shafia’s] brain…
“It shows someone is enraged or angry, he wants to calm himself.”
“Er,” said Mr. Laarhuis, “the accusation is not that he chopped his kids into pieces. The accusation is that he killed them.”
“Dear prosecutor,” the doctor replied.
"…Murder is completely different.
“This is why I’m here, [to say] this is not the place for my brother! He is not a murderer!… There is no shame bigger than murder but to put that name on him!”
Mr. Laarhuis suggested surely it was different for a father to curse his children after their deaths, and asked, “You’ve heard of fathers talking about chopping up their children with cleavers, but never heard of honour killing?”
“This is the first time,” the doctor said. “This is shameful thing, it has affected me badly.
“It is a wrong label to put on traffic accident, to put on my brother. That a police on the first day puts a label on a traffic accident, it has been explained to this date in media and magazines not properly.”
Mr. Laarhuis showed him two pictures of 17-year-old Sahar, which the parents claim they discovered only after the deaths and which the prosecutors allege was a reason for the murders. Dr. Yaqubi said there was nothing offensive about them, as indeed there isn’t, but added that it depends on the circumstances.
If a daughter showed it to a father properly, the father would prepare for her wedding. “But if the father was tired, or had lost money in business, he might respond by cursing.
“It won’t surprise me if Shafie might slap his daughter [in these circumstances],” he said cheerfully.
He added that “for someone back in Canada” knowledge of such practices is “theoretical. He will not be able to get that [Afghan] mentality.”
As goes that wise old saying, surely invented in Kabul and said there and only there, you can take the boy out of Afghanistan, but you can’t take the Afghanistan out of the boy.