Louisiana Continues To Lead In Fight Against Sharia

Over the past two years no state in America has done more to prevent the infiltration of Shariah law into our legal system, culture and financial system than Louisiana.

During this time period, Governor Bobby Jindal has signed into law no fewer than 6 pieces of legislation that can be classified as attempting to guard against the Islamization of America.

The flagship legislation in this regard was American Laws for American Courts legislation signed into law by Governor Jindal in 2010. Authored by Rep. Ernest Wooton and Senator Danny Martiny, that bill, signed as Act 714, declared that it is the public policy of the state of Louisiana to protect its citizens from the application of foreign laws when the application of a foreign law would result in the violation of a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution of Louisiana or the United States, including but not limited to due process, freedom of religion, speech or press, and any right of privacy or marriage as specifically defined by the Louisiana constitution.

The Hayride previously published an article on Louisiana’s American Laws for American Courts legislation, which has since been added in Arizona and Kansas:

Also in 2010, Governor Jindal signed two other important pieces of legislation that were inspired by the desire to prevent the influence of Islamist elements in America.

The first was Act 715 of 2010, authored by Rep. Ernest Wooton, which seeks to shine the light on monied interests from overseas—particularly from Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf Islamofascist regimes—who attempt to buy influence in our higher education system through large donations.

After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, many suggested the need for further disclosure of contributions, gifts and contracts made to America’s colleges and universities from foreign governments, corporations, foundations and individuals. Often, these donations are made by foreigners who want to influence the college’s or university’s policies and curricula.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant, especially for taxpayer-funded public entities. Foreign gifts disclosure laws allow for the sun to shine on significant foreign contributions made to our public colleges and universities by requiring public disclosure of gifts from foreign governments, entities and individuals to state colleges and universities.

Contributions made to universities by foreign governments, entities, and persons have come under heightened scrutiny, especially some made from Islamist foundations whose active denial of the Holocaust and outspoken anti-Semitic views have caused great criticism. Some contributions have funded university-sponsored Islamic centers, whose denunciation of US foreign policies, support for the application of Shariah Law in the US and lack of condemnation against calls for “jihad” against Americans are worrisome.

Act 715 requires public colleges and universities in Louisiana to publicly disclose gifts from foreign governments, legal entities and persons. Similar legislation has passed in New York and Utah.

The next piece of legislation from the 2010 session was a bill known as Rachel’s Law, signed into law by Governor Jindal as Act 712. Rachel’s Law, which has also been signed into law in Florida, New York, California, Illinois, Tennessee, and Utah, is designed to protect freedom of speech and freedom in the press in the United States from foreign legal judgments.

These laws protect Americans from the practice of “Libel Tourism,” in which plaintiffs choose to file lawsuits in jurisdictions which do not provide the same protections of free speech as the U.S. Constitution.

Free Speech Defense legislation is often referred to as “Rachel’s Law,” because it was largely prompted by the case of U.S. author Rachel Ehrenfeld, who refused to accept a British judgment against her favoring a Saudi financier she’d investigated. Saudi Prince Khalid bin Mahfouz and two members of his family sued Ms. Ehrenfeld, an Israeli-born writer and United States citizen over her 2003 book on terrorist financing, Funding Evil. Ms. Ehrenfeld asserted in the book that Mahfouz and his family provided financial support to Islamic terrorist groups. The book was not published in the United Kingdom, but 23 copies of her book had been purchased online through into the UK, and excerpts from the book had been published globally on the ABC News web site. Ehrenfeld claimed that the suit in England violated her First Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution and chose not to defend the action. In a default judgement, the British court ruled that Ehrenfeld should pay £10,000 to each plaintiff plus costs, apologize for false allegations and destroy existing copies of her book.

Rachel’s Law protects American authors and journalists from being dragged into foreign courts over frivolous libel charges in jurisdictions that do not respect, value and protect freedom of speech and of the press as we do here in the United States.

The 2012 Session

Louisiana’s leadership to guard against the infiltration of Shariah continued in the 2012 legislative session with three more pieces of legislation signed by Governor Jindal:

Act 369 authored by Senator Danny Martiny requires full and fair disclosure when a security offered in the state of Louisiana is governed by a religious law. This landmark bill was necessitated by the increasing presence of Shariah-Compliant Finance and the almost total lack of transparency associated with such instruments.

Act 116 authored by Rep. Cameron Henry amends the Louisiana Racketeering Act to apply to, among other offenses, terrorism and aiding others in terrorism. By putting the material support of terrorism under the Racketeering Act, this landmark law arms state law enforcement with a useful tool with stiffer penalties and also provides for significantly increased civil penalties for individuals and organizations found to provide material support for terrorism.

Act 207, authored by Rep. Nancy Landry, creates the crime of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Louisiana. Many people are not aware that the barbaric practice of FGM is actually a Shariah-mandated practice that is becoming increasingly common in the US due to the influx of immigrants and refugees from certain predominantly Islamic regions. The first and most infamous case of FGM actually occurred in Louisiana back in 1972.

By signing these six bills into law over the past two years, Governor Jindal has placed Louisiana at the forefront of the fight to protect our freedoms from Islamization. No governor in America has signed more pieces of legislation into law designed to combat against Shariah and Jihad within our borders, our legal system, our education system, our financial system and our culture.

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