On a secret recording obtained by The Sun, he rants that it is “only a matter of time” before the flag of Islam flies over Downing Street, the White House and the Kremlin in Moscow.
But he warns that in the struggle: “Some of our brothers will become martyred, some will become injured, others will be captured and tortured.”
Former lawyer Choudary, 47, who lives on state benefits, tells his followers they have “a fahad” — an obligation — to free Muslims from jail. He cites the “sisters” held in London’s Belmarsh and Holloway prisons.
Then, during a speech to a conference entitled Innocent Until Proven Muslim, he names the blind sheik Abdullah Rahman, jailed for life in the United States for plotting a terrorist bombing campaign in New York.
Conservative MP Patrick Mercer urged the Home Office to investigate “another outrage from this hideous man”.