In Norway, a Torch Extinguished: Sylvi Listhaug Steps Down


Well, it was too good to be true. This morning, Sylvi Listhaug stepped down as Norway’s Minister of Justice and Immigration. To those Norwegians with their eyes open to the crisis facing Western Europe, Listhaug has been a hero. She’s condemned the hijab, criticized fake refugees and fake Muslim moderates, and warned against the jihadist enemy within. While other members of Norway’s purportedly center-right coalition government pander and appease, she speaks the truth. Last August I called her “a diamond in a dungheap.” Well, now, she’s been forced out of the government, and all that’s left is ordure. For those of us who have hoped that her rise to power might mark the beginning of a new political order with the cojones to turn Norway around before it’s too late, her resignation marks a black day in modern Norwegian history.

To show just how black a day it is, some context is in order.

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