Domino’s pizza defends halal-only outlet

The Domino’s pizza chain today defended its decision to give the go-ahead for a halal-only outlet which does not offer its customers ham or bacon.

The firm said it had “thought long and hard” about the decision not to offer pork products at its store in Hall Green, Birmingham, which serves an area with a large Muslim population.

Some customers at the store have criticised the new policy, claiming it limits their freedom of choice and discriminates against non-Muslims.

But a spokeswoman for Domino’s stressed that replacement items such as halal pepperoni had been sourced wherever possible.

The spokeswoman said: “In that particular area of Birmingham there are a large number of Muslims so there is naturally more of a demand for halal-based products.

“We appreciate we cannot please everybody but there are alternatives, such as turkey ham, and we have thought long and hard about this decision and we are sure it is the right one.”

Domino’s said the outlet was accredited by the Halal Food Authority (HFA) and was the first in the country to offer its pizzas to customers who prefer to eat halal.

The store’s halal menu still includes many of the country’s favourite pizzas, but with a halal twist on the toppings, Domino’s added.

Items on the menu include halal spicy beef sausage, roast and tandoori chicken, halal pepperoni and halal cured turkey.

Abdul Mumtaz, the store’s franchisee, said the halal store better served the needs of local residents.

Mr Mumtaz said: “Domino’s is a national brand with a strong sense of the local communities in which it operates, and the halal store has been launched following huge demand from the people of Hall Green, where a high proportion of customers are followers of the Islamic faith.

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