Get outraged over radical Islam

My vote for most under-reported story of 2013 is the tale of Molly Norris.

Who’s that you ask? Good question. You’re not supposed to know about her. At least according to the rules of the mainstream media, that is. Hush, hush. Forget about it.

Why? Because it involves radical Islam. Which is something else we’re not supposed to talk about. We’re in denial that it’s even in our midst.

Back in 2010, the cartoon South Park created an episode depicting Mohammed. As we all know from the Danish cartoons matter that’s a big no-no for the Islamist crowd.

The creators of South Park received death threats prior to the airing of the episode. So Comedy Central, the show’s network, blurred the depictions of Mohammed and bleeped out references.

To this day, the episode hasn’t been aired in several countries.

Enter Molly Norris, who is/was a cartoonist living in Seattle. She rightly thought this was all ridiculous. So she drew a cartoon advertising “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day,” to be held May 20.

It stated: “Do your part to both water down the pool of targets and, oh yeah, defend a little something our country is famous for ... the first amendment.” The cartoon was not actually Norris creating the event though. It was supposed to be a cartoon of an event poster by a fictional group called Citizens Against Citizens Against Humour.

But it didn’t matter. The poster went viral and the idea took hold. Soon people were trying to organize real Everybody Draw Mohammed Day events.

Norris tried to disassociate herself from the event. Little good that did her.

In the lead-up to May 20, a Pakistani court ruled the event would cause damage to the religious beliefs of millions Pakistani Facebook users. The government temporarily blocked Facebook and other sites for all of Pakistan.

Then the radical American-Yemeni imam Anwar al-Awlaki called for the death of Norris and others involved in the event.

Which brings us to today. In the March 2013 edition of Inspire magazine — produced by al-Qaida — they released a “Wanted: Dead or Alive for Crimes Against Islam” list. It included Salman Rushdie (still!), Pastor Terry Jones and Norris. Inspire isn’t only available in the hills of Tora Bora with a print run of two dozen. It gets around, with deadly results.

In April, it was revealed the two Boston bombing suspects, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, learned how to make pressure cooker bombs from reading Inspire.

In other words, this magazine lived up to its name and inspired people living in America to take up armed jihad and kill other Americans.

And no one was outraged. Norris was apparently a left-leaning individual.

Where are her liberal friends standing up for her rights?

American leaders should be saying, “How dare you call for the death of our citizens simply for drawing a cartoon and then distribute your magazines to tell our youth to do the same!” But instead they ignored it.

It’s not just the Tsarnaevs who picked up the fight for radical Islam in 2013.

Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan admitted in his trial last summer he switched sides and joined the jihad against U.S. forces.

Here in Canada, Chiheb Esseghaier, one of the Via Rail plot suspects, insisted on being judged in court by the Qur’an.

In January, Ali Medlej and Xris Katsiroubas, young men from London, Ont., were killed by the Algerian military while attacking a gas plant as alleged members of an al-Qaida splinter cell.

These were all huge stories confirming radical Islam is alive and well in our own backyards.

But the mainstream media didn’t give them the attention they deserved. People turned away. What will it take?

Notice I wrote Norris “is/was ... living in Seattle” earlier? That’s because there’s no information available on her current activities. She might not even be alive right now.

The word is Norris changed her name and went into hiding after the FBI confirmed the threats on her life were credible.

But why don’t more people care about her whereabouts and well-being?

And why aren’t more people angry about the fact a woman has had to go underground simply because she drew a cartoon?

It’s hard to say what’s a bigger scandal: That a bunch of humourless Islamists still want to kill someone for drawing a little cartoon three years ago? Or that there are so many people out there who won’t even acknowledge the situation?

Shame on everyone who didn’t stand up for Molly Norris.

She should be living freely right now, drawing whatever cartoons suit her fancy.

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