A Muslim punches his pregnant girlfriend several times in the abdomen because she was examined by a male doctor.
As the child was not born at the time of the action, the indictment against the 21-year-old refers only to “abortion” and not to murder.
The starting point for the fateful event was a routine gynaecological examination of the pregnant woman. As the female doctor who was usually responsible for her was on holiday, the examination was performed by a male substitute on an exceptional basis. For the then 20-year-old boyfriend of the heavily pregnant woman, a practising Muslim, this was horrific.
When the Rheine resident learned of the examination by the doctor, a major row broke out between the couple. In this the perpetrator is said to have struck his seven-month pregnant girlfriend forcefully several times in the abdomen, so that she had to be taken to a hospital, where the foetus died after an emergency birth.
UPDATE: The Muslim got 2 years and 9 months for this. His name is Ahmad Sherzai, of Afghan origin but with German citizenship. His girlfriend was of German origin and from a Catholic family.
Both Sherzai and his father (“a devout family”) have had a long history of trouble with the police. Why are our governments allowing these savages into our countries then not deporting them when their criminality is proven?