Ford Interfaith Network Embraces CAIR-Michigan

CAIR-MI’s Dawud Walid, says the FBI is ‘manufacturing their own terrorism.’ He has spoken at Ford three times.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity linked to the Hamas terrorist group, is boasting that the Executive Director of its Michigan chapter, Dawud Walid, spoke at Ford World Headquarters in Dearborn on October 24.

According to CAIR’s press release, it was the third time that Walid spoke for the Ford Interfaith Network’s yearly gathering. He was put on a pedestal as the event’s keynote speaker.

The federal government designated CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism-financing trial in U.S. history. It listed CAIR as an “entity” of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee, a secret body that was set up to advance the agenda of Hamas in America.

The designation was upheld by a federal judge in 2009 because of “ample” evidence linking CAIR to Hamas. The FBI ended its use of CAIR as an outreach partner in July 2008 because of this evidence.

Federal prosecutors stated in a court filing, “From its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists…the conspirators agreed to use deception to conceal from the American public their connections to terrorists.”

CAIR’s founders previously belonged to the pro-Hamas Islamic Association for Palestine, a group that is now defunct. A 1991 U.S. Muslim Brotherhood memo unequivocally identifies the group as part of its apparatus. The memo says its “work in America as a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.”

CAIR is also extremely hostile to rival Muslims that oppose its Islamist doctrine that is friendly to the Muslim Brotherhood. In May, CAIR lashed out at a moderate Muslim group without provocation, essentially accusing it of being a Trojan Horse and traitor to the Muslim community.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism has a 16-page report chronicling Walid’s extremist record. He has a history of incendiary rhetoric against the U.S. government and Jews and his CAIR chapter fundraises with the assistance of some of the most extreme Islamists around.

Walid welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood’s victory in Egypt’s presidential election in 2012 and viewed it as a setback for the U.S.

“Get ready for regional and Western forces’ plans to undermine President-elect Morsi. We’ve seen this playbook before. While you’re so concerned about how Morsi will govern in Egypt, you are loosing [sic] your democratic rights in America,” he said.

Walid was recorded saying on May 25, 2012 that “the Jews” have “incurred the wrath of Allah” and are responsible for persecuting Muslims. He then made it clear that he sees the Muslim-Israeli conflict as a continuation of this centuries-old struggle between Jews and Allah:

“One of the greatest social ills facing American today is Islamophobia, and anti-Muslim bigotry. And if you trace the organizations and the main advocates and activists in Islamophobia in America, you will see that all those organizations are pro-Israeli occupation organizations and activists.”

He preaches that the FBI is “manufacturing their own terrorism suspects to give the appearance that they’re actually doing something tangible in the so-called ‘War on Terrorism.’” He also accuses the FBI of holding a “witch hunt to chill the First Amendment rights of Americans.”

In April, CAIR-MI held its 13th annual fundraiser and its keynote speaker was Imam Suhaib Webb of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center. His mosque has extensive connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. He preaches that homosexuals are cursed and justifies anti-Semitism.

In 2010, an imam at Webb’s mosque preached, “You must grab on to this rope, grab on to the typewriter, grab on to the shovel, grab on to the gun and the sword, don’t be afraid to step out into this world and do your job.”

The previous year’s fundraiser featured Imam Siraj Wahhaj, the imam of the radical Masjid At-Taqwa mosque in Brooklyn. He has a long history of anti-American rhetoric:

“If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a Caliphate. If we were united and strong, we’d elect our own emir and give allegiance to him. Take my word, if eight million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us,” Wahhaj said in 1992.

“America is one of the greatest terrorist nations on this earth but you know, they hide it with magic. They pretend to be so nice,” he also said in the early 1990s.

He even has advocated violent jihad:

“We don’t need to arm the people with 9mms and Uzis. You need to arm them with righteousness first. And once you arm them with righteousness first, then you can arm them.”

The NYPD, which has had Wahhaj’s mosque under surveillance, says his security team is armed and learns how to fight police officers. Martial arts training has been given to attendees, including convicted terrorists and paintball trips have been organized with the expressed purpose of simulating violent jihad.

Wahhaj has tempered his rhetoric since he’s been under the microscope, but he openly says this is a calculated move. In 2011, he told a large Muslim audience to stop talking about Sharia until the right time arrives.

If Dawud Walid and CAIR-MI are moderates, why would they use Wahhaj to fundraise—and why would Wahhaj agree to help the group fundraise?

We have sent an email to Ford asking the company to reconsider its embrace of CAIR and whether it has donated to the organization or its events. We will update you on any response we receive.

We encourage concerned readers to write a polite email and to include a link to this article and the Clarion Project‘s full profile of CAIR. You can email Ford by clicking here. Be sure to select “Public Affairs” as your topic of inquiry.

You can also write Ford at:

Ford Motor Company

Customer Relationship Center

P.O. Box 6248

Dearborn, MI 48126

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