Finns Party MP charged for disseminating hate speech

Deputy State Prosecutor Raija Toiviainen has pressed charges of ethnic agitation against Finns Party MP Teuvo Hakkarainen.

Hakkarainen, who hails from Viitasaari in central Finland, is suspected of committing the offence by using a Facebook page linked to his role as a member of parliament, to publish a post in which he threatened, pressured and insulted a group that identified as Muslim.

Shortly after the attack, the MP from the populist, immigration-sceptic party wrote that “all Muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.”

According to Toiviainen, “even for parliamentarians, freedom of speech doesn’t include the right to hate speech, which focuses generally on all Muslims and is likely to arouse contempt and hatred based on religious intolerance towards Muslim groups.”

The deputy prosecutor was responsible for consideration of charges because the case involves using freedom of speech in mass media in a suspected offence.

Hakkarainen has denied committing any offence.

“Awaiting the conclusion of the legal process”

In a statement released by the Finns Party parliamentary group, Hakkarainen said that he had been shocked by the terror strike in Nice and that his writings reflected his feelings at the time.

“A series of terrible terror strikes has shaken Europe. My intention is not to agitate against any ethnic group,” the MP said in the release.

Hakkarainen also said that he considered that it was very serious that the deed crossed the threshold to be considered a chargeable offence.

“I trust the Finnish justice system. They will resolve this matter in due course,” he added.

The controversial MP is no stranger to the limelight. He previously suggested that all of Finland’s Somalis and homosexuals should be sent to the semi-autonomous island province of Åland to form an ideal society, but later said he was only joking.

Back in 2011 he was censured by the party for using the racial slur, “neekeri” during an interview with a local paper.

Chair of the Finns Party parliamentary group Sampo Terho said that he had discussed the matter with Hakkarainen on Tuesday.

“As a group we will now wait for the conclusion of the official legal process; we will deal with the matter when we know the outcome of the process. According to the rule of law everyone is innocent until proven otherwise,” Terho said in a statement.

Hakkarainen’s case will come up for trial in the Central Finland District Court.

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