Denmark: Guards prevent Muslims from voting

Via Ekstrabladet (Danish, h/t Tundra Tabloids)

Several neighborhoods with a large concentration of Muslims have Muslims guards at the polling stations.

Their task is to deter and prevent Muslims who wish to participate in democracy by voting.

“We see guards, who in neighborhoods characterized as fundamentalist, watch the polling stations in their area and ensure that people don’t go to vote. There are indirect threats. If there’s somebody who wants to vote but is seen in the school where they should vote, the family risks being ostracized,” says Mohammad Rafiq, integration consultant and author.

Mohammad Refiq says that the guards come from Hitzb ut-Tahrir’s youth group, but internal religious groups in the areas of Blågårds Plads, Mjølnerparken, Frederiksberg, Ishøj and Brøndby also have guards.

The price for a democratic vote can be high for Muslim.

“The consequence can be that one’s family isn’t allowed to be buried in Muslim mosques. Another can be that they will have difficulty getting their daughters married. The cases can be very complicated,” says the integration expert.

Muslims often stay away from the polling stations, as seen in the previous parliamentary elections.

“We can see how extensive the problem is by looking at the number of Muslims who don’t vote compared to the proportion who can vote. I will estimate that we’re talking of about 30,000 who aren’t interested in voting. Who don’t want to be part of the elections,” says Mohammad Rafiq.

The fundamentalist Muslims don’t think that democracy can be reconciled with their religious law. And right now they’re working hard to keep people away from the polling stations.

Ekstra Bladet spoke with two Salafists who are giving out brochures in Nørrebro with a clear message.

“We are saying that they shouldn’t vote. That democracy is a man-made religion,” explains Adnan Avdic. The two aren’t part of the guards, but they share the anti-democratic attitude.

Mohammad Rafiq says that among the thousands of Muslims who don’t vote are especially women who aren’t allowed to vote by their husbands.

“They don’t want women to get involved in democracy and thus gain knowledge about their rights, and the difference they can make in Danish society.”

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