Burka is ‘strange and offensive’ and should be banned in public, blasts Tory MP

The burka should be banned because wearing a face cover in public is “strange and offensive” and is detrimental to building a cohesive society, blasted a Tory MP.

The outlawing of the Islamic garment “would be supported by 95 per cent of British people” in the interests of having “a fully integrated society”, says Philip Hollobone.

Teachers and police officers should be prohibited from wearing the Muslim garb because “it prevents them from doing their job properly”, according to the Kettering-based politician.

Mr Hollobone, 51, told Express.co.uk: “In Western civilisations we take it for granted that we can see everybody’s face as part of the natural human condition.

“For someone to go around with their face covered so people can’t recognise them or have a normal human interaction is strange and offensive and doesn’t help build a cohesive society.”

He added: “We’re never going to have a fully integrated society if a growing section of it insists on having their faces covered.”

The father-of-two is adamant the vast majority of British people would support a ruling banning the burka.

He said: “I think 95 per cent of the public would be in favour of banning the burka.

“It’s only misguided, do-gooder left wingers who can’t get their head around the fact we should prevent women from wearing the burka.”

The Conservative MP pointed towards a similar ban in Turkey, a predominantly Muslim country, as an indication of how it can be informed without being dubbed racially insensitive.

Mr Hollobone said: “There are such bans in Islamic countries, so this is not anti-Islamic. Turkey’s parliament recently allowed women to wear headscarves but not the burqa because they recognise this would be too far.”

The former Territorial Army member insists some professions should enforce the ban in the interests of safety.

He said: “I think the Government should ban face coverings in general. There are some specific professions where this is more important.

“Police officers, teachers or anyone in a public role isn’t able to do their job effectively if they cover their face.

“What reaction would most people have to a man wearing a full face balaclava? It wouldn’t be acceptable for a male police officer or teacher to wear it.”

Mr Hollobone also believes a ban on all forms of face coverings “is now more relevant than ever” not just because of the growing number of Muslim immigrants in Britain, but because it would help police maintain law and order easily identifying rioters or criminals who hide their identity by wearing hoodies or balaclavas.

But the Oxford educated MP’s remarks have drawn stinging criticism from the British Muslim Council, who termed his views “bigoted” and stifling civil liberties.

A spokeswoman said: “Comments made by Mr Hollobone about banning the niqab (face veil) undermines civil liberties and takes away the rights of women to freely dress as they choose to.

“As aptly stated by the Prime Minister when she was Home Secretary, ‘it’s for women to make a choice about what clothes they wish to wear, if they wish to wear a veil that is for a woman to make a choice.’

“Britain needs leaders with a political vision to foster a caring society and address our national economic challenges, rather than groom bigotry.”

On June 20, 2010, Mr Hollobone introduced the Face Coverings (Regulation) Bill, which would regulate the use of certain facial coverings, including the burka, in public.

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