Belgium: Muslim executive ‘under control of foreign countries’

Via HLN (Dutch):

“Belgian Muslim bodies are definitively under the control of foreign countries. The Muslim Executive will now be led only by people who will prioritze the interests of their land of origin over those of Belgian Muslims,” says the AMDB (Democaratic Alternative of Belgian Muslims), who say they unite ‘all components of the Muslim community’ in Belgium.

The general assembly of the Muslim Executive recently extended Semsettin Ugurlu’s term as chairman, as well as a series of other positions. The Executive also passed a motion of no-confidence against the new members, and the three members of ADMB were excluded. AMDB says the general assembly orchestrated the illegal exclusion of the three active members who refused to comply with embassy-Islam line.”

Just 11 of the 44 members of the general assembly were present. AMDB say that this way they passed the motion of no-confidence against the AMDB members who are ‘known for their battle for a transparent, democratic Islam’ which is not linked to any state intervention.

The AMDB do not recognize the legality of the decision and its members intend to continue in their positions and sue the Muslim Executive in court.

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