What Are Our Children Learning In College? [on Tammi Rossman-Benjamin]

Last night in Stoughton, Massachusetts, I had the privilege of hearing a presentation by Professor Tammi Rossman-Benjamin of the University of California Santa Cruz. The presentation was entitled, Combating anti-Semitism on University Campuses and Beyond. Over the years I have been aware of what I thought were occasional incidents of anti-Semitism at American universities, but I had no idea how widespread the problem was or what the focus of the anti-Semitism is.

Professor Rossman-Benjamin pointed out that there are two basic forms of anti-Semitism on our college campuses–the bullying, intimidation, and name-calling directed at individual Jewish students and the attempt (often supported by professors) to delegitimize Israel. The second sometimes takes the form of petitions that universities divest themselves of any investments in Israel.

One of the sources of the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment is a group called the Muslim Students’ Association (a group with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood).

Last night was an eye-opening evening. As someone whose children graduated from college more than ten years ago, I am not aware of what is going on at our colleges. This was an education.

One of the things not mentioned directly last night, but that to me is a representation of where our educational system (and the concept of respecting all people) has gone, is a YouTube video taken during a speech given by David Horowitz during “Israel Apartheid Week at the University of California San Diego in 2010. Horowitz was hosted by Young Americans for Freedom. Please watch the entire video and listen to the question at the end.

This should not be happening on our college campuses.

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