Trustees Vote to Add Pair of Arabic Classes

The Board of Trustees of the San Jose/Evergreen Community College District approved the inclusion of a number of new course offerings, Elementary Arabic 01A and 01B in San Jose City College curriculum.

The Board also approved a grant of $465,062 for the Workforce Institute to train facilities professionals in how to generate better building performance through better building management.

The board approved many items, including the endorsement and support of Senate Concurrent Resolution 5 authored by Senator Joseph Simitian, which would allow school and community college district to pass a parcel tax based upon a 55 per cent majority vote by the electorate instead of the currently required two-thirds vote.

The Board presented update on the first quarter budget report ending Sept. 30. The presented information reviewed the district’s financial wellbeing through the Fiscal year 2013/2014 based upon set of worst, middle and best state income scenarios.

Workforce Institute presented its annual report outlining its success of specific programs. WI cited specific examples of students who found meaningful employment as a result of WI’s training programs.

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