Let’s not kid ourselves: President Barack Hussein Obama is well on his way to destroying America’s economy and its national security. And let’s not kid ourselves on another point: We have elected an incompetent, America-hating radical and we should expect him to act accordingly.
He has put us into unsustainable, hopeless debt, and that makes us vulnerable with an economy that can’t support our national security needs and our living standards. And Mr. Obama’s mismanagement of the war on Islamic terrorism, his appeasement of our enemies and his betrayal of our friends (E.g. Czechoslovakia and Poland) have made us vulnerable to the attacks of our enemies. America is slowly waking up to the dangers of Mr. Obama. But America’s house is burning down courtesy of Mr. Obama, so it is not enough to slowly wake up. We are in an emergency situation; we have to put out the fire or it will destroy us. We have to act with the urgency our present circumstances dictate.
Obama’s Mental Diseases Yes, by now, many are convinced that Mr. Obama and his administration have put together a catastrophic cocktail of programs and personnel. It mixes radicalism with anti-Americanism and incompetence. As my last column suggests, I’ve pointed out there’s even a more deadly potion in that cocktail – mental disease. (See “Obama’s Seven Mental Disorders” (Jan. 31, 2010) on The Bulletin’s Web site.) There has been some interesting agreement with that conclusion. For example, America’s leading columnist, Dr. Charles Krauthammer, has said that Mr. Obama’s denial of the reality of the Massachusetts recent senatorial election borders on the “clinical.” That is how a psychiatrist might politely say he shows sign of mental disease. Dr. Krauthammer happens to be a psychiatrist and I trust his conclusion. And America’s leading talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, often refers to Mr. Obama’s departure from reality as “delusional.” That, too, sounds the same theme of mental disease. When you compare his statements over time and his promises and performance, you’ll see his rhetoric is totally divorced from reality. The Bucks County Citizen (March 2010) has an article on Mr. Obama “In His Own Words” that proves the point.
This is all reinforced by Mr. Obama’s continuation of the trends I pointed out in my column on his seven mental diseases. He continues to lie pathologically. For example, he recently said on YouTube that he opened up the ObamaCare negotiations at all times, with the one exception of when he saw legislative leaders to see how they were doing on the bill. That is a bald-faced lie. Key meetings, such as when deals were made with the drug industry, the insurance industry, and the labor unions were secret. The Nancy Pelosi-Harry Reid negotiations were behind closed doors. He knows this, and he should know better than to make such a ridiculous claim. After all, he’s claimed to be one of the smartest men in the world, so we surely can’t attribute his constant departure from reality, as lack of memory.
He also continues to speechify in a fashion that doesn’t connect with reality. For example, he lectures the Republicans in his publicized meeting with them on the need for a bipartisan approach when he has been the most highly partisan of Washington inhabitants. He now releases a new budget that continues to explode the deficit and national debt while sounding a caution against spending beyond our means. His words no longer have any attachment to reality. It is as if he is in la-la land, unconstrained by the real world.
If you need more, here’s the latest evidence that he suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder. In a recent speech, he talked of a campaign worker who fought a four-year battle against breast cancer, without proper insurance, but finally succumbed. After explaining this, he added that she would be buried in an Obama T-shirt. If that doesn’t suggest he suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder, putting himself at the center of the universe, it surely shows he is mentally sick.
Obama’s Incompetence
There is also persuasive and powerful evidence of the incompetence of Mr. Obama and his administration. This incompetence was flashed to the world, during Congressional testimony on the Christmas-day bomber. On camera, testimony indicated that the Obama administration did not even bother to contact America’s top security and intelligence officials before giving the Christmas-day bomber Miranda rights and, thus, sealing his lips before life-saving intelligence information might be obtained. Since then, the White House has said Attorney General Holder made the decision, which is incredibly stupid and grossly incompetent on many counts. First, this kind of decision should never have been made without consulting those top security and intelligence officials. Second, the decision itself was beyond reason and logic when you needlessly forfeit the ability to get intelligence information that might save American lives. The Christmas-day bomber was talking, and was only interviewed for 50 minutes, and that was when he was waiting for surgery. So, to read him his Miranda rights and cause him to stop talking was criminal negligence. He might have given us information about future attacks or other life-saving intelligence. Third, our intelligence agencies and security agencies apparently provide neither intelligence for their task, nor security for their country. Even if they weren’t consulted, they should have learned of the Christmas-day bomber through the media and intervened to make sure the terrorist was properly and fully interviewed. Fourth, when Mr. Obama’s press secretary Robert Gibbs said that although the Christmas-day bomber was only interrogated for 50 minutes, FBI officials said they got valuable information and that’s all the time that was needed. That sends up two red flags. It is preposterous that 50 minutes would have been enough as the bomber was injured and hardly in a position to provide full information and, furthermore, he could have been used as a constant source of information to check developing leads. The 50-minute interrogation is even more transparently preposterous, as the questioning was done without checking to see what the CIA and other intelligence agencies had on the Christmas-day bomber.
Here’s more of the latest show of gross incompetence. President Obama in August said he would create a special unit to question suspected terrorists — the High Value Interrogation Group (HVIG). When the Christmas-day bomber was captured, a top Obama intelligence official said he should be questioned by the HVIG. The official did not even know that the group has not even been constituted yet. What’s worse, Mr. Obama gave endless speeches from Cairo to Oslo bragging about how he had abolished aggressive interrogation and the like. So, it was incumbent on him to establish this HVIG. It still hasn’t been established as of early February. And, according to Dr. Krauthammer, the Obama administration is still looking for real estate in Virginia on which to base the unit.
There is something else about this intelligence and security failure. It not only shows total incompetence repeated at the White House and in Mr. Obama’s federal bureaucracy, but also evidence of even more gross incompetence compounded by the fact that this is a repeat of the mistakes made by Attorney General Eric Holder and the White House in sending terrorists to be tried in New York City. Mr. Holder and the White House failed to consult with the Mayor of New York or the Police Commissioner of New York. That violates the most basic rules of good management and common sense. When you put the largest city in the nation at risk, you better consult with key people in that city. After that fiasco, the Attorney General and White House failed to consult again in deciding on what to do with the Christmas-day bomber. They are incompetent, hopelessly so, and apparently incapable of learning the most obvious lessons. To put it gently, Mr. Holder, Mr. Obama and company are slow learners.
White House decision-making shows incompetence and inexperience right down the line. On Feb. 3, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood told a Congressional hearing that owners of Toyotas subject to recall should stop driving them and take them back to the dealer. This sent panic through millions of owners and caused Toyota stock to plummet. Then, he said he misspoke. This was the same day two other top Obama people were apologizing for misstatements. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan apologized for saying that Hurricane Katrina was the best thing that ever happened to New Orleans’ education. And Mr. Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was apologizing for calling some liberal critics of Mr. Obama “f---ing retarded.” There seems to be a parade of top Obama people who are specialists in misspeaking (not to mention Vice President “Slow Joe” Biden). Other examples, past and recent are too many to catalog here. Mr. Obama is still talking about how he is locking lobbyists out of the administration at the very time over 40 of them are at work in the administration.
I must also mention the decision to close Guantanamo in one year. This was clearly not thought through, could not be carried out as promised, and looks more foolish by the minute. This is Mr. Obama’s decision-making style. Here’s another example. He also promised to withdraw from Iraq by 2009. He makes wild promises that soon crash back when encountering reality.
These are not merely broken promises with no repercussions. These are broken promises that often come with a price. Often big prices. By the time the government builds and prepares a new prison in the U.S. for the terrorists, pays for it and pays for the security during the inevitably long trial, it will cost the U.S. government around a billion dollars for security ($200 million a year for a long trial). Now, when I say “it will cost the government around a billion dollars,” the translation is “it will cost the taxpayers around a billion dollars.” And, Mr. Obama is still lecturing the country on the Congress on the perils of excessive spending and wasting taxpayer resources. Mr. Obama makes decisions that exclude us — the citizens, voters, taxpayers — decisions which we do not stand behind, yet, are decisions which affect us and for which we pay, often more than just financially.
This Obama performance is even worse than I predicted it would be during the campaign. If you examined his record during the campaign, you would have to conclude he is unfit and unready to be president. I was conservative in labeling him the foremost fraud, faker, fibber, and four-flusher in American political history and the only president who seems to hate his country. Now we’re constantly finding out that his record foreshadows his performance. America made a horrible mistake in electing him. But now we have to make sure we stop his programs and properly vet his personnel appointments. Our problems are now so serious that America would be in grave peril even if we had a president of the caliber of George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, but we have an inexperienced, untested, unvetted, arrogant, radical socialist who wants to transform America into a European-style socialist/welfare state, and is well on the road of doing so. As the polls show, America is beginning to wake up to the clear and present danger Mr. Obama poses. We better organize to stop him, as we literally face the death of America by virtue of Mr. Obama’s programs and personnel. So, we must get organized to assure America’s survival by opposing his radical, socialist ideas.
Get involved to stop Mr. Obama and keep the American house from burning down. You know what to do. Just do it. Start writing Congressmen and ask them to oppose Mr. Obama’s programs of Cap and Trade, ObamaCare, and all the rest. Get involved in organizations opposing Mr. Obama. Get involved with the magnificent Tea Party movement and the Republican Party. Get involved with organizations fighting Mr. Obama’s war on American values. One of my favorites is called “Save America … Stop Obama National Tyranny Coalition.” It is a projection of Vision America Action, a group headed by the renowned pastor, author and activist Rev. Rick Scarborough. You can sign the Coalition’s statement of the fundamental principles of America, its Constitution, and its Founding Fathers by going to www.mandatetosaveamerica.com.
There are a million things you can do, but it is necessary to start doing them now, while we still can and while we still have our America. It is close to midnight and the enemies of America, both internal and external, are as evil as they are determined. You might also want to get involved in an organization fighting terrorism and anti-Americanism, as Mr. Obama seems too weak or unwilling to do so. Two of my favorites are Steve Emerson’s Investigative Project on Terrorism and Daniel Pipes’ Middle East Forum, which maintain Web sites such as Islamist Watch and Campus Watch.
Finally, put your money where your mouth is. Money is the mother’s milk of politics … and of activism and every method of influencing public opinion. So, support your views with your money, by making some unsolicited donations … now. The sage of Baltimore, H.L. Mencken, on his epitaph said if you want to please his ghost “wink your eye at some homely girl.” For an even greater blessing, send an unsolicited check to one of the American organizations fighting for America’s values, including those named above.