The Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University, Rashid Khalidi, went on the Al-‘Arabiya television channel this evening and talked a great deal about Barack Obama (of whom he does not expect great things). He also answered a question from the anchor about his own career:
Gisele Khuri: Is it true that the Zionist lobby tried to force you out of Columbia University, as some Arab articles claimed? Is there pressure?
Rashid Khalidi: There is a faction of people who attack me, who attack each week, every week. But they have no influence. That is, the situation of Arab professors in American universities is generally acceptable. The pressure in Colombia and in other universities means little. We handle it as best we can but it is not a problem.
Comment: Keep this quote handy next time Arab professors in the United States play the victimization card. (December 20, 2008)