MLA ‘Boycott Israel’ Moderator is an Iran-Loving, America-Hating Crackpot [on Samer Ali]

On Thursday afternoon in Chicago, the 2014 convention of the 30,000-member Modern Language Association (MLA) will feature a panel discussion on a hugely controversial academic boycott of Israel.

The title of the panel discussion is “Academic Boycotts: A Conversation about Israel and Palestine.”

Small groups of malcontent professors such as the American Studies Association have already passed resolutions boycotting Israeli universities.

The guy who will preside as the discussion moderator at the MLA event is Samer Ali, an associate professor of Middle Eastern studies at the taxpayer-funded University of Texas in Austin.

Who, exactly, is Samer Ali? The Daily Caller was able to investigate the matter in depth — on Ali’s personal Facebook page. Here are the results:

Samer Ali is a lover of communism who openly pines to wear his Karl Marx shirt to jury duty. The caption above reads: “first day of Jury Duty: Where is my Marx t-shirt?” The strange, poor capitalization is squarely on Ali. Note that he also has Media Matters for America festooned on his Facebook page.

Samer Ali is a pretentious cad who says he spouted pointless philosophical drivel to avoid serving on a jury. The circled post reads: “Woo-hooo! Samer is excused from jury duty. What did it? I went on a rant against the ‘One Witness’ theory. Thank you Bakhtin, Foucault, and Derrida!”

Samer Ali quotes atrociously hardcore socialist, Occupy-centric journalist Chris Hedges, who has a worldview straight out of 1848 and says things like “Our enemy is not radical Islam. It is global capitalism.” Hedges also talks about “wars of survival” that “will mark the final stage of human habitation of the planet.”

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