Juan Cole tells us that we have offended the Islamic World.
Funny how the average Muslim seems to have taken the cartoons in stride, as gentlemen. Nothing happened until the islamists and their abetting governments got a few riots going. But to Cole, it’s all our fault. We were colonialists, and anything that Modern day muslims do can be justified by that fact. Presumably in the year 2525 they will still be blaming the British for all their troubles.
And note the language he uses to try to scare people off Daniel Pipes:
The man conducted an interview of Pipes, and that makes him a bad guy? This has since become, in the Arab media, the notion that Rose is “a neocon”. Cole is far too careful to merely spit invective like that. He prefers the following - still horribly inelegant, still language no decent professer would ever use:
Well, it’s either true or not true. Note that Cole does not dispute the facts, he only highlights them as impermissible discussion. Only in the modern american university is it acceptable to argue by calling your opponent names.
Cole then links to an article that claims Pipes advocates keeping American muslims in concentration camps.
Pipes defends himself here. His defense sounds better than Cole’s attack.
Cole is one of the saddest excuses for a professor that exists today. He is the ultimate epicyle spinner. (If reality does not conform to your theory, make up an elaborate explanation that explains reality away).
Posted by penraker at February 14, 2006 10:58 AM