In the wake of this month’s Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, to his credit, has
declared that:
I refuse to use this term “Islamophobia,” because those who use this word are trying to invalidate any criticism at all of Islamist ideology. The charge of “Islamophobia” is used to silence people.
Valls will have to contend with
the legion of Middle East studies academics employing this very strategy, particularly Hatem Bazian, director of UC Berkeley’s Islamophobia Research & Documentation Project (IRDP), who, when asked by
ABC News to comment on the
Charlie Hebdo massacre, conveniently noted that he had been in Paris recently for an “Islamophobia conference.” Indeed, Bazian and IRDP are at the
forefront of the attempt to create an international field of “
Islamphobia studies.” It’s a good bet Valls won’t be on the roster of invited speakers.