Explosion of Jihadi Activity on Campus

One of the frontlines in the jihadi campaign to destroy America is on our college campuses, where jihadi front groups find a congenial home protected by left-wing academics, and with a vulnerable population of young Jews to attack. Antisemitic incidents on campus doubled in 2015 – including 56 violent assaults - and doubled again in 2016.

A study released today by the Amcha Initiative reports:

There were nearly 100 more antisemitic incidents in the first six months of 2016 compared with the same time period in 2015.

The number of incidents involving the suppression of Jewish students’ freedom of speech and assembly approximately doubled from 2015 to 2016.

The consideration of anti-Israel divestment resolutions in student government or by the student body was strongly linked to a surge in antisemitic activity.

The number of incidents opposing Israel’s right to exist nearly tripled from 2015 to 2016 and was highly correlated with behavior that targeted Jewish students for harm.

Few Americans are aware of that the Muslim Brotherhood is active on their childrens college campus.

Harvard, Columbia and Brandeis are among 10 American universities cited by the David Horowitz Freedom Center as among the “most friendly” in the nation to Islamic terrorists against Israel.

Citing the Muslim Students Association (MSA) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) – both created by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, godfather group to al-Qaeda and Hamas – Horowitz charged that the universities provide “financial and institutional support” to organizations on their campuses that “support the agendas of these terrorists and spread their propaganda lies.”

Universities hire and promote pro-jihadi professors, often in exchange for huge cash gifts from Saudi extremists.

At Columbia, the course catalog indicates that this spring the anthropology professor, Nicholas DeGenova, who called for “a million Mogadishus” and said “the only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military,” will be teaching a graduate class on “The Metaphisics of Antiterrorism.” At least he isn’t teaching spelling. At the University of South Florida, our Josh Gerstein reports elsewhere on this page, there’s talk of rehiring Sami Al-Arian, whose lawyers conceded during a recent trial that he had “an affiliation” with the people in Palestinian Islamic Jihad. That is a deadly terrorist group.

The Muslim Students Association was the first Muslim Brotherhood organization to be established in the U.S. It is an influential lobbyist for the Wahhabi extremists and is on 600 campuses across the country.

it is a radical political force ...telling students that America is an imperialist power and Israel an oppressor nation. MSA speakers routinely spew anti-Semitic libels and justify the genocide against the Jews which is promoted by Islamic terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah and by the government of Iran.

Meanwhile, Harvard and Georgetown universities announced this week that they had received $10 million each from a Saudi Arabian prince, Alwaleed bin Talal, to fund Islamic studies. Alwaleed, the so-called Saudi Warren Buffett, has also amassed sizable stakes in Citigroup and in Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, owner of Fox News Channel and of the New York Post. The prince became notorious when Mayor Giuliani turned down a $10 million gift from him after September 11, 2001, because the gift came with a statement saying that America should tilt its foreign policy more in favor of the Palestinian Arabs.

Discoverthenetworks.org profiles 200 ‘peace studies’ programs that teach students terrorists are heroes oppressed by the evil United States.

On university campuses across the U.S., tenured radicals teach their students that “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter,” and that America is “the world’s greatest terrorist state.” The Middle East Studies Association and more than 200 “Peace Studies” programs share the view that America’s terrorist enemies are in fact the voice of the world’s “oppressed,” and that by challenging the United States they are advancing the cause of “social justice.” The views of such professors dovetail seamlessly with those of influential, well-funded student organizations that view America as the chief cause of strife between the West and the Islamic world.

In addition to professors, every campus has its pro-jihadi student organizations, often secretly affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The RESOURCES column on the right side of this page contains a link to profiles of college- and university-student organizations that may be classified as “fellow-traveling” or “apologist” groups that aid and abet the jihadist or Islamo-fascist movement. “Fellow-traveling” organizations are those that accept the goals -- such as the implementation of Sharia in the U.S. -- of the Islamists or jihadists, though not necessarily the methods that are often used to achieve those goals. “Apologist” organizations do not necessarily share the goals of the Islamists and jihadists, but they offer excuses, rationalizations, and justifications for those goals and for the methods -- e.g., suicide bombings and rocket attacks -- used to achieve them.

These pro-jihadi organizations are funded by student fees, that is, by unwitting parents. These are the same campuses that find Christian groups offensive and force them off-campus following complaints by gay students.

Today’s brainwashed college students are tomorrow’s Democrat voters, happy to believe that jihadis are misunderstood freedom fighters, that it is wrong to support Israel, and that Obama and Hillary’s pro-Muslim Brotherhood policies will lead us to peace. Freedom of speech does not force us to support and pay for Islamic propaganda to our children.

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