The congressional effort to monitor area studies is a laudable one. Title VI was originally introduced in order to more effectively produce scholars to aid in the development of U.S. foreign policy.
While receiving millions of dollars annually, the universities have not done their part. The usually left of center professorate, who dominate academia with their theories, too often distrusts the government and national security. They inculcate students with their anti-American, anti-Western ideology. Currently, a wide gap exists between the academy and policy.
Since Sept. 11, money has been showered on Middle Eastern Studies programs nationally, yet the lack of academic discourse on Islam and militant Islam is very telling. Ever since the academic experts’ failure to predict the Shah’s demise in Iran, the government and media have relied on independently funded think-tanks.
The academy should begin to render itself relevant in order to continue receiving taxpayer dollars.
Elana Gutman Katyal
Masters student in Middle Eastern studies