Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from August 22 – September 1, 2019:

Campus Watch Blog

‘Diversity’ Training for Michigan Teachers Glorified Islam, Bashed Christianity and America:

A Third Woman Charges Islam Scholar Tariq Ramadan with Rape:

Campus Watch in the Media

UC Berkeley’s Hatem Bazian “connects Islamophobia in the U.S., India and Israel” in a talk at the Islamic Society of Milwaukee; accuses DP, MEF, and CW of being involved in the “Islamophobia industry":

Middle East Studies in the News

PJ Media on the Thomas More Law Center’s investigation into “diversity” training for teachers at a Novi, MI public school and the woman behind it:

Daniel Greenfield on biased PBS Learning Media documentaries and lesson plans for teenagers:

Alex Joffe’s latest installment of “BDS Monitor” includes the CA ethnic studies controversy, Qatar funding for K-12, and the involvement of profs from federally-funded Middle East studies centers:

On Saudi Arabia and the UAE funding universities in the UK and beyond:

Harvard Gazette on a summer program for incoming freshmen that one student used to teach Arabic language and culture to children:

Houston Chronicle profile on several generations of a Muslim family (incl. Rice U. profs David Cook and Craig Considine):

SFSU prof Rabab Abdulhadi receives “Islamophobic” hate mail:

Clarion Project on Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Julian Castro speaking at the ISNA convention, alongside Islamist speakers (incl. UC Berkeley’s Hatem Bazian, Southern Methodist U’s Omar Suleiman):

On a third woman bringing rape charges against Tariq Ramadan:



Jerusalem Post:

Oxford Mail:

On California Assemblyman Jose Medina delaying the bill he authored to make ethnic studies a requirement for high school education in the state, following the scrapping of a proposed ethnic studies curriculum due to outcry over anti-Israel, anti-Jewish bias:

Los Angeles Times:

Los Angeles Times (op-ed):

The Sacramento Bee:

J: The Jewish News of Northern California:

Del-Mar Times (Solano Beach Sun - Carmel Valley News):

On the Zaytuna Institute’s Zaid Shakir and Southern Methodist U. adjunct Omar Suleiman’s “Muslims for Migrants” campaign to raise money to bail out detained migrant parents:

CBS 11 News (Dallas Fort Worth):

Religion News Network:


Melissa Landa op-ed on HBO’s “Our Boys,” BDS, and academe (incl. Rutgers prof Jasbir Puar, Temple U’s Marc Lamont Hill):

Articles involving U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign academic-turned-bus driver Steven Salaita:

Salaita pens a CHE piece titled “My Life As a Cautionary Tale":

Salaita discusses “suffering and resoluteness” at the U. of Cape Town (8/8):

Cinnamon Stillwell analyzes Middle East studies academia in West Coast colleges and universities for Campus Watch. A San Francisco Bay Area native and graduate of San Francisco State University, she is a columnist, blogger, and social media analyst. Ms. Stillwell, a former contributing political columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, has written on a wide variety of topics, including the political atmosphere in American higher education, and has appeared as a guest on television and talk radio.
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