Camera Report: Anti-Israel Extremism and Corrupt Scholarship at Brown University [incl. Beshara Doumani, Steven Salaita, Lila Abu-Lughod, Loubna Qutami, Jasbir Puar, Ariella Azoulay, Noura Erakat]

Executive Summary

Spurred on by the concerns of Brown University alumni and students, CAMERA decided to investigate antisemitism and extremism at Brown University. What we found is truly disturbing.

The Brown University Center for Middle East Studies has established several initiatives to advance its concept of Palestinian studies. But rather than focus on advancing the rigorous study of the Palestinian people, it has devolved into promoting antisemitic ideology and extremism against the Jewish state.

Professor Beshara Doumani has served as the driving force for the Center and its Palestinian studies programs. From 2021-2023, he also served as president of a Palestinian university. During his tenure there, the university served as a hub of extremism, hosting numerous events glorifying the murder of Israeli civilians and advancing the position of the terrorist organization, Hamas. Such was the incitement that numerous students carried out terrorist attacks against Israel during that time. Given CAMERA’s findings, detailed below, the concern is that the extremism which defines Birzeit University is being imported into Brown University.

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