Book Review of “They Must Be Stopped” [incl. Islamic Saudi Academy]

They Must Be Stopped!” The main title of best selling author Brigette Gabriel’s lastest book gets your attention even before you read the additional copy on the book jacket “Why we must defeat radical Islam and how we can do it.” In that sense alone she is not taking that radical a position opposing Fareed Zakaria who writes in the March 9thissue of Newseek –"Radical Islam Is A Fact of Life. How To Live With It.” Our suggestion is – read both.

Even as she began a litany of warnings and examples of the rapidly spreading Islamic agenda in our schools from elementary to the highest levels of academia and throughout our military, I found myself asking “how many times have we already been told this by a growing list of authors decrying the misdeeds of the world’s organized religions.

Some years ago I bought myself a copy of the Koran to read first hand the words cited by so many of the aforementioned authors. Namely that we are all “infidels” you and I. Unfit to live in their world – their so-called paradise. Strange isn’t it, and terrifying that in their timeless march to what they call everlasting peace that millions worldwide will have to die – men, women and children – even children in their mother’s arms using any means they can get their hands on and definitely including WMD.

On July 11, 2005, Joseph Farah wrote an article which appeared in his G2 Bulletin and on WorldNetDaily entitled “Al-Qaida nukes already in the U.S.” Farah wrote that Mexican gangs such as the one known as MS13 were being well paid to allow Isamic radicals to bring their deadliest weapons into this country. Gabriel adds that Farah was issuing similar warnings even before 9/11.

As numerous other writers have noted, radical Islam exploits the U.S. legal system expertly and diabolically and happily attacks us at our most treasured and weakest points – our precious freedoms of speech, assembly, etc.

Gabriel directs her reader’s attention to what should be painfully obvious. They, the radicals, can assail and seek to undermine our freedoms with little, if any, retribution or penalties from our side but if you and I were to mount similar attacks on their beliefs and their territory their reactions would be lethal. Look no further than the vicious reaction to those recent political cartoons in Europe.

At one point in “They Must Be Stopped” Gabriel tells us that, not unlike our own top level officials from the president on down, she must accept the protection of our law enforcement to shield her from those who most assuredly are bent on silencing her forever.

The book details the depths to which Saudi Arabia funds and supports Islamic teaching (madrassas) around the world, including the United States. And why do we put up with it? Saudi oil and that country’s continued support of anti-Communist policy with regard to Russia. It was back in 2004 when then Secretary of State Colin Powell labeled madrassas “breeding grounds of fundamentalists and terrorists” and he didn’t have to look any further than the Islamic Saudi Academy (est. 1981) campuses in McLean and Alexandria, Virginia. About a thousand students and core budgeting direct from the Saudi government.

Be sure and catch the books references to radical Islam’s multi-billion dollar investments in such high profile establishments as City-Group (7.5 billion in 2007) and SONY.

Gabriel’s entire book is, of course, very worthwhile eye-opening reading but no chapter is more engrossing than Chapter 7 – The Islamization of Europe. They are doing very well there, flooding many countries with unskilled labor while the birth rate among Europeans continues a sharp decline. Europe, Gabriel writes, is losing its soul to compromise and appeasement and compares it to the same sort of appeasement of Germany prior to WWII – only delaying the inevitable.

Other chapters take us down similar paths in South America, Mexico, Canada and a disturbing gaggle of other countries.

Another “fun” chapter – chapter 9 – “Islam’s contempt for women and minorities.” Allah (their big guy) clearly allows wife beating and murder – so-called honor killings.

Still another chapter tells us that the Muslim Brotherhood is finding fertile ground in our prisons where they are steering many of our worst criminals into post-prison occupation as assassins and suicide bombers.

Chapter 5 is where Gabriel focuses on Islam’s inroads not just in our primary schools but also our summer camps. Do you believe this? The accommodations many of our most cherished installations have made to groups having nothing but our worst interests in mind is appalling.

So what can we – what MUST be do about all of this? Gabriel admits that alone we as individuals can do next to nothing. This is where she and Fareed Zakaria come the closest to some sort of agreement. Again I must suggest….read both. Gabriel urges our attention to the market place of ideas – exposure – and soundly criticizes the left for it’s readiness to debate the merits of Judaism or Christianity while seemingly intent on silencing debate about Islam.

Gabriel is the founder of Act For America – an effort to give a voice to many individuals who now feel powerless. She would have us turn our attention, fear and concerns to our elected officials. Those very individuals who spend at least part of every day concerned about their chances of being re-elected. .

Our politicians, she charges, go whichever way the wind is blowing. A huge weakness of democratic societies and one which Islamic apologists work to exploit.

Look at the demise of real immigration reform she points out. Political cowardice at its worst. Too controversial. Act For America, Gabriel promises, is keeping score on how our legislators are performing regarding any and all legislation dealing with our national security and what she calls Islamofascism. You and I can download the tracking system on the Act For America website.

If interested in adding your voice to the masses, Gabriel is telling us to contact our elected officials, meet with them regularly if possible, monitor your local paper (that is…all those that are not shutting down) and do likewise with your nearest colleges and universities. Even show videos of Islamic terrorism such as the one now sitting on my desk – “Obsession – radical Islam’s war against the west.” Show them to your friends and neighbors. Scary stuff.

It may sound like naivete – pie in the sky wishes – but one thing is certain. Terrorism has no timetable. Hiding behind what they call a religion – they are perfectly ready and willing to wait.

Buy yourself a copy of “They Must Be Stopped”. Warning – it may interfere with your sleep.

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